John McCain's nanny state, anti-blogging legislation

ThinkProgress - adjust your credibility indicators accordingly - sounds the alarm about new legislation from Senator John McCain (R-Lechuga). Based on this CNET article, they provide these handy bullet points:
- Commercial websites and personal blogs "would be required to report illegal images or videos posted by their users or pay fines of up to $300,000."

– Internet service providers (ISPs) are already required to issue such reports, but under McCain's legislation, bloggers with comment sections may face "even stiffer penalties" than ISPs.

— Social networking sites will be forced to take "effective measures" - such as deleting user profiles - to remove any website that is "associated" with a sex offender. Sites may include not only Facebook and MySpace, but also, which permits author profiles and personal lists, and blogs like DailyKos, which allows users to sign up for personal diaries.
Most forums allow profiles, as does Yahoo. Such capability is also built into CMS's such as Drupal.


John McCain is a tool of the drug dealers in mexico city and the reds of china. Jeebie is great
I love the line "Chimp-in-Chief", its so dead on the money, and money is what its all about.

by the way is old Red John going to ask mexico city to behead some of us when the take over is made?

So the would be chimp-in-chief wishes to begin the government intrusion into the planets best example of our first ammendment in action, the free exchange of ideas, information and political discourse? Then let him share in the oppression of free campaign money for him. Could it be because the internet is less than friendly to this traitorous proponent of amnesty and the NAU? The internet is awakening We The People all across the world. Politicians everywhere are, and should be, afraid of the power of truth, and the freedom of speech.