kay bailey hutchison
kay bailey hutchison: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
GOP Sens. Marco Rubio, Jon Kyl, Kay Bailey Hutchison crafting own DREAM Act bills - 03/27/12
From this:
Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), the only Senate Republican of Hispanic heritage and a possible vice presidential pick, is working on an alternative version of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age and serve in the military or attend college...
Senators complain about DHS plan to reduce Border Patrol agents on southern border - 10/10/09
A group of senators - mostly of the "secure the border first, then amnesty" variety - have sent a letter to Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security complaining about her plan to reduce the number of
Obama budget ends SCAAP, just like Bush did (reimburses states for illegal alien incarceration) - 05/08/09
Barack Obama's budget has no funding for SCAAP, the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. That reimburses states for their cost of incarcerating illegal aliens, and it will supposedly save $400 million. And, not funding that program is something that Bush tried to do in each year of his presidency; Congress rebuffed the previous illegal immigration-supporting president's attempts. That "tango" where the program is underfunded by Congress after an attempt to cut is made by the president is described here (from March 2008).
The AFSCME wasn't happy when Bush tried this last year (link), and...
LULAC, Raza radicals: Senate bill "unworkable", "this is our land!", "border crossed us" - 05/20/07
A couple days ago, Mickey Kaus suggested one (slate . com/id/2166199) way to scuttle the Senate's amnesty bill: get radicals to support an even worse version, and perhaps even utter "reconquista" style statements. It looks like he's got his wish. From this:
Dick Armey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mike Pence, and Helen Krieble do lunch - 09/26/06
From their press release:
FreedomWorks Foundation sponsored a luncheon for Capitol Hill staffers to discuss immigration reform that will balance both security and economic concerns. In particular, the forum will examine options for strengthening our borders while establishing procedures that provide law-abiding workers a legitimate path to the American workplace.
FreedomWorks chairman and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey was joined by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN, 6), and Helen Krieble, President of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation.
It was her...