Congress: $4 million for National Council of The Race

From this:
Thanks to a congressional earmark, an open-borders advocacy group that pushes for driver's licenses, free in-state tuition and healthcare for illegal aliens and bilingual requirements for state agencies and ballots is slated to get $4 million in new taxpayer money to add to the more than $30 million it has received from various federal agencies since 1996.

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Spanish for "the race," will get its latest grant through an appropriations bill passed by Congress on November 18. The Joint Explanatory Statement of HR 3058, available on the House's Rules Committee website lists 1,100 plus earmarks in the bill, including La Raza's grant under the Housing and Urban Development Department's Self-Help and Assisted Ownership Programs. Under this account La Raza will receive four times as much as the Special Olympics, which won a $1-million earmark.
It's not known exactly who got them this earmark; NCLR wasn't expecting it. However:
One possible culprit is Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) who sits on the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that handled the bill carrying the earmark. In 2001, Reid sent a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee requesting $5 million for La Raza's housing programs. That same year Reid also received NCLR's Capital Award for "his commitment to advance legislation priorities of the Latino Community." In gratitude, Reid told NCLR, "La Raza is like the biblical David, fighting all these Goliaths."

Reid's office did not respond to calls asking whether he inserted or even supported the earmark...


You know absolutely nothing about NCLR. Do a little research before you spit hate. NCLR advocates for Hispanic Americans like Urban League advocates for African Americans. Unless you are a bigot (which from what you sound like is not far off) get your facts straight before you post...idiot.

Harry Reid is a pig for Mexico ( read low life non country ) and its evil drug dealers inside that hitler loving shit La Raza i hope someday to do to La Raza what the U.S. Army did to hitler.

What people who love this nation should do is go to washington and hang guys like Reid and has "evil little Nazi boys" FROM Mexico.

The enemy of freedom and a just way of life are not out side the gates of this great nation of ideals but are inside it killing us all right now!

fight this enemy or die under its rule. Long live the ideals of 1776 death to all its enemies!