Bart Jones of Long Island Newsday reporting... on media bias?

Now that's a twist! As previously discussed, Suffolk County (Long Island New York) executive Steve Levy has begun cracking down on clown houses containing dozens of illegal aliens. The press coverage from the "so-called" liberal media has not been kind, including weepy puff pieces from Bart Jones of Newsday.

What an ironic twist it is to find Jones reporting on Levy's complaints about media bias in "Housing issue gets heated":
An angry Suffolk Executive Steve Levy lashed out at the news media Monday, including Newsday, for its coverage of the Mexican day laborer evictions in Farmingville and said it is missing the real story -- the many residents who support the crackdown on illegally overcrowded houses...

Levy, a Democrat, said residents of Farmingville "cheered" the housing crackdown that started June 19, but their happiness "changed to dismay when they saw in the media the focus of the attention ... This is not an issue about race or immigration or long-term housing. It's an issue about the integrity of neighborhoods."
As can be expected, the other side was present:
Levy is "missing the real sentiments of Long Islanders," said Patrick Young of the Long Island Immigrant Alliance, who has called Levy "public enemy No. 1" in the Latino community and whom Levy has labeled part of a "lunatic fringe." The Latino community "has to be dealt with respectfully and cannot simply be rousted out of their houses and thrown out onto the streets."
Young is or was the chairman of the New York Immigration Coalition. The link tells you all you need to know about that fine, American institution.



Yeah, the same way they respected our immigration laws.

This kind of thing gets even lef-wing Dems upset when they live near the problem. From
Wirings are seen exposed inside the basement at 33 Woodmont Place in Farmingville, New York.
Unscrupulous landlords in Farmingville are making thousands of dollars in cash every month by cramming single-family homes with tenants, many of them day laborers from Mexico and Honduras. Fifty-eight men, each paying $200 a month, live in one house. At another house, where 33 men live, neighbors saw the owner digging a makeshift cesspool in the back yard. And officials had to remove a number of men from another house because it was about to collapse. County and town officials have tried to tackle the problem, but have often found their hands tied because of weak laws and the difficulty of proving cases against landlords.