American Bar Association to stress immigration reform; why? (amnesty, James Silkenat)
James Silkenat is the new president of the American Bar Association and he promises to make supporting comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) one of his top priorities. The ABA has never been on the side of most Americans on the issue of illegal immigration and amnesty; see their name's link and note that they're affiliated with the American Immigration Lawyers Association. But, Silkenat promises to put supporting amnesty on the front burner.
Why? One possibility is to help the Democratic Party get more power, which generally speaking translates into higher earnings for many ABA members. Another possibility is more work and thus more money for some ABA members. I've bolded parts of this:
On Tuesday [9/17/13], less than two months into his tenure, Silkenat toured the Otay Mesa Detention Center and the Port of Entry. He is only the second ABA president to visit the border region.
“It’s obvious to everyone the immigration system is broken, more than 80 percent of detainees don’t have representation and immigration courts are overwhelmed,” he said. “This is a national issue.”
...The ABA has had an immigration commission since 2002 that oversees programs addressing immigration. One of the programs based in San Diego is the Immigrant Justice Project. It provides education to detainees about their rights while they are being held as well as helps with certain cases.
Tuesday Silkenat watched the project in action and said he wants to expand it to other centers across the southwest border.
...Silkenat called immigration one of the critical issues of the time. As a legal expert he is most concerned with problems facing detainees including lack of access to counsel, prolonged detention periods and housing alongside convicted criminals. He is also concerned about the unaccompanied children who appear before a judge and who are being deported without a parent, guardian or legal representation.
“I’m hoping we can generate more support in Washington to provide access to counsel for the folks who are going through this to make the system more fair and transparent,” he said. “And to make the system quicker so that it cost less for American taxpayers.”
One part of his plan is the creation a Legal Access Job Corp to match recent law graduate with people who need legal assistance, including around immigration issues, and who cannot afford it.
Note the use of system is broken. Can't Silkenat figure out that the problem isn't our laws, but the failure of politicians to enforce those laws? Can't he figure out that the reason those politicians didn't enforce our laws is because they're corrupt? That is, politicians looked the other way in order to obtain more race-based power or in order to obtain more donations from companies that want to hire illegal aliens. Is it that Silkenat can't figure all that out, or that it isn't in the financial interest of the ABA to acknowledge that?
You never know what people are thinking; there's the possibility that Silkenat supports policies that will make things worse just because he's deluded. However, there's also the possibility that he wants governments to provide funding to give illegal aliens representation by ABA members, hiding it behind a curtain of false compassion.
Want to do something about this? Search for those who tweet to @ABAesq and ask them why the ABA is working to make things worse. Others you can chat with include @ABANews, @NYSBA, and @AmLawInst.