Tweets to Mitchell Stein

Mitchell Stein's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Mitchell Stein
Maine, USA
I worry about our climate, our health care system and lots of other stuff. Love dogs, the MCU, and my wife (for the other kind of profile, look at my LinkedIn)
Tweets to this user:
Larry Levitt's avatar
From @larry_levitt
Medicare for all still has big political vulnerabilities. But, emphasizing how it will reduce health care expensesโ€ฆ
Mitchell Stein's avatar
From @mhstein
@larry_levitt I want you to be right, but I'm still skeptical
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Larry will never be right because he doesn't understand the real objections to his self-interested plans. You're enabling someone who's incompetent. MT @mhstein I want you to be right, but I'm still skeptical MT @larry_levitt [self-interested Lakoffing on] Medicare for all