Video: large illegal alien trash dump in Huachuca Mountains, useful idiots clean it up

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There's video of a large trash dump left by illegal aliens here, with the associated story from the Sierra Vista Herald here. The dump is located in the Huachuca Mountains; those overlook Fort Huachuca, a supposedly secure military installation about 50 miles from Tucson. It's home to the United States Army Intelligence Center, and illegal aliens are occasionally found walking across its territory.

From the report:

the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and Cochise College are assembling a volunteer team to clean up the dump... Holman, 29, of Hereford [a local college official] is a programs specialist with Cochise College’s Center for Lifelong Learning. With backing from the ADEQ, she is reaching out to community volunteers to help clean up the site on Monday and Tuesday during the college’s spring break... Frank Zadroga, an environment program specialist and the Undocumented Migrant Waste Project manager for Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, followed Walker and Holman to the site... Zadroga is working on at least two other projects, including one in Arivaca. The Brown Canyon trash dump is one of the biggest he has seen...

Useful idiots cleaning up after "willing workers" is obviously not the best solution and neither is the state paying for it.

If the people there don't want such dumps in their previously natural areas, they need to go out and discredit those who enable and encourage illegal immigration, such as far-left environmental groups and their state and national representatives.


Sounds like another job Americans don't want to do. Dump trash all over the desert I mean.