Tweets to Dennis Mersereau

Dennis Mersereau's avatar
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Dennis Mersereau
North Carolina
I control the weather. Bad political opinions. I run @DAM_Weather & contrib to @ForbesScience. I used to be The Vane. My book has the best words. He/him. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
Tweets to this user:
Adam Weinstein's avatar
From @AdamWeinstein
Why not? Trutherism's becoming a major force in the world, baby
Dennis Mersereau's avatar
From @wxdam
@AdamWeinstein obama retroactively ordered the pentagon to do it with chemtrails. YOU CAN'T PROVE ME WRONG DAMMIT
Adam Weinstein's avatar
From @AdamWeinstein
@wxdam @evanmcmurry what i don't get is why the truthers put so much faith in slow-mo video "evidence" from 9/11. OPEN YOUR EYES PROLES
Dennis Mersereau's avatar
From @wxdam
@AdamWeinstein @evanmcmurry if you watch it slow enough, you can actually see the reptillians in the windows. they move swiftly.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@wxdam: the word "Truther" implies govt is telling us whole truth about #911. Is that the case? @evanmcmurry @AdamWeinstein #ows #tcot #gop