Tweets to Howie Roark

Howie Roark's avatar
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Howie Roark
New York, NY
Owner and operator of, contributing journalist at
Tweets to this user:
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @souperfan2012: @Toro520 @glenkae @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @24AheadDotCom Unless they steal cattle
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @souperfan2012: @glenkae @Toro520 @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @24AheadDotCom The "Colors" Perception ploy is used by Beta Groups attemp…
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @glenkae: @Toro520 @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom if Texas goes we are sunk
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @BolyardJ: @Toro520 @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom Remember the Alamo! Stand and fight, Texans!
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @souperfan2012: @Toro520 @grizzly149 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom But then Wendy Witch ruined all that crap.
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
RT @Toro520: @grizzly149 @souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Unfortunately, the Left devised a program called Turn Tx Blue...
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@souperfan2012 @RedNationRising: besides you two, what sort of faux patriot cheers thousands of Americans losing their jobs? #California
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@24AheadDotCom @RedNationRising Thousands of Relocated Californians, NOW Texans, earning more without a State Income Tax.
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@24AheadDotCom. Where did you dream that idea up? @souperfan2012
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom It's a TWEETBOT
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom California Liberals have only themselves to blame. Voted themselves into the unemployment line
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@24AheadDotCom. Typical liberal, blame others for what you created when it's time to pay the piper! @souperfan2012
bubble head's avatar
From @red_petticoat
@souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom @RedNationRising I don't eat meat so I was told I would t be welcome in Texas. Just sayin.
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@red_petticoat. Darn now you have to stay in Commiefornia. I escaped! @souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom
bubble head's avatar
From @red_petticoat
@RedNationRising @souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom terrific, you got out! I'm here chained to the state!
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@souperfan2012. Texas is better off of the liberals are left in Ca. They'll try to elect politicians like Ca that destroyed @24AheadDotCom
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom I'm ALL About unity. If they're smart enough to move where they can succeed they already wreak Conservative!
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Obama Started this Jobless Pit To Hell!
Gaile's avatar
From @SototG
@souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Or they could be like city folks who move to the country & complain of the smell, dirt roads
Keith's avatar
From @grizzly149
@souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Just so long as they leave their democrat ideas back in calli. Texas is a Red state!
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@SototG @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Hahahaha - The Plant is moving to Plano Tx, bout as "Country" as it gets.
Gaile's avatar
From @SototG
@souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Maybe countrified common sense will rub off.
Howie Roark's avatar
From @Toro520
@grizzly149 @souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Unfortunately, the Left devised a program called Turn Tx Blue...
Howie Roark's avatar
From @Toro520
@grizzly149 @souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom ... they literally help Leftist activists relocate to TX to agitate
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@Toro520 @grizzly149 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom But then Wendy Witch ruined all that crap.
pjbio's avatar
From @BolyardJ
@Toro520 @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom Remember the Alamo! Stand and fight, Texans!
Glenna's avatar
From @glenkae
@Toro520 @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @souperfan2012 @24AheadDotCom if Texas goes we are sunk
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@glenkae @Toro520 @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @24AheadDotCom The "Colors" Perception ploy is used by Beta Groups attempting to BS a Truth.
Howie Roark's avatar
From @Toro520
@souperfan2012 @glenkae @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @24AheadDotCom never underestimate the enemy
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@Toro520 @glenkae @RedNationRising @grizzly149 @24AheadDotCom Unless they steal cattle
Kthejolie's avatar
From @Trestresjolie
@souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom The Calis relocate to Texas, the Texans relocate to Colo.
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@Trestresjolie @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom HAHAHAHA - not any more- the 80s are over.
Kthejolie's avatar
From @Trestresjolie
@souperfan2012 @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom Good!
Gary Campbell's avatar
From @souperfan2012
@Trestresjolie @RedNationRising @24AheadDotCom those yanks that moved in the early 80s when Coal & Steel shut down called themselves "Texan"