Tweets to Anthony Scaramucci

Anthony Scaramucci's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Anthony Scaramucci
Long Island, NY
American entrepreneur. Founder @SkyBridge and @SALTConference.
Tweets to this user:
Governor Christie's avatar
From @GovChristie
Had the honor of doing a joint appearance with former Defense Secretary and retired General James Mattis at the Was…
KathyO'Scoopie 🍀's avatar
From @oscoopie
@GovChristie @Scaramucci You should have held a Cabinet position. I'm convinced that half of what potus is going th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@oscoopie: on the View today, @govchristie said it's "awful..time when you are allowing folks to be able to express these kind of views [and that we need to] drown their voices out". That's exactly what SJWs want. Christie is as much an anti-First totalitarian as the worst SJW.
Kenneth P. Vogel's avatar
From @kenvogel
SCOOP: The $500k that financed the deal between RUDY GIULIANI & LEV PARNAS’s company, FRAUD GUARANTEE, came from a…
Kenneth P. Vogel's avatar
From @kenvogel
@HillaryClinton TRUMP $$$: PARNAS & FRUMAN met GUCCIARDO at an @AmericaFirstPAC event at @TrumpDC feat. TRUMP &…
David Williams's avatar
From @dznyc
@kenvogel @HillaryClinton Florida men guarantee fraud over bris.
Kenneth P. Vogel's avatar
From @kenvogel
@HillaryClinton @AmericaFirstPAC @TrumpDC @DonaldJTrumpJr @POTUS The month after @TrumpDC event, PARNAS & GUCCIARDO…
chris smith's avatar
From @chrissmithnymag
@kenvogel @HillaryClinton @AmericaFirstPAC @TrumpDC @DonaldJTrumpJr @POTUS @Scaramucci @jacobkornbluh @MdFrager…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's hilarious. After Trump's reelected, I'll point out to your fan that you made cutesy quips instead of doing smart things you could do right now to undercut Trump. MT @chrissmithnymag [quips to a kenvogel "scoop", "the mooch and the gooch?"]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dznyc: do you "litigate" like you tweet? @kenvogel 's "scoop" will be forgotten tomorrow & will have no impact on Trump or Rudy. Here's a smarts test: where is Rudy actually vulnerable to Trump's base? Are you & Vogel using that, or just playing childish games?
Eli Stokols's avatar
From @EliStokols
“He wants, like, a catatonic loyalty, and he wants you to be behind the backlights.” — @Scaramucci to…
Linda Bayless's avatar
From @LindaBayless9
@EliStokols @NicolleDWallace @Scaramucci @AshleyRParker @PhilipRucker It seems Pence has found his place in the world.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LindaBayless9: Pence is extremely vulnerable to #MAGA (where it counts to Trump) because he's a big amnesty fan (he even had his own amnesty fan). He's linked to Koch (like other Trump lackeys). List all the times @EliStokols etc have used what Pence is actually vulnerable on:
Real Time with Bill Maher's avatar
From @RealTimers
FRIDAY: @BillMaher will be LIVE with @TerryMcAuliffe @RichardEngel @RadioFreeTom @crampell + @Scaramucci on…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RealTimers: @crampell merely laughed like a little kid in response to Tucker calling the white supremacist scare (the scare itself) a "hoax". How about "cross-examining" her on his actual argument? Aren't more people killed by lightning per year than by real or supposed WSes?
Anthony Scaramucci's avatar
From @Scaramucci
The Latino and Italian-American experience absolutely has parallels. Only difference is the timeline.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Other groups have been Oppressed too. Who's our common enemy? MT @Scaramucci [agrees with supposed lawyer @markyzaguirre about Hispanic/Italian-American victimization being similar]
Anthony Scaramucci's avatar
From @Scaramucci
Your family has an immigrant story and has likely been on receiving end of discrimination. My grandparents came to…
B D's avatar
From @PanhandlerFL
@Scaramucci As 1st gen; wop, dago and harassment on the bus was routine. Mom, God Bless her, would always preach, "…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Let the healing begin by naming your common enemy. MT @PanhandlerFL [victimization tale] MT @Scaramucci Your family has an immigrant story and has likely been on receiving end of discrimination
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Scaramucci: you can help both Trump & (of actual importance) USA if you urge Trump to use smart/valid/patriotic/big tent arguments about 80/20 issues like opposing illegal immigration/censorship/SJWs. Trump just does shtick for MAGA, shrinking tent & offering nothing for most.