Tweets to Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Maggie Haberman
White House correspondent for NYTimes, analyst for CNN. RTs don't imply agreement.
Tweets to this user:
Dan Eggen's avatar
From @DanEggenWPost
Trump notes captured by @jabinbotsford: “They want to impeach me over acts that they did” “Dems have no achomlishm…
Laughing Cavs's avatar
From @laughingcavs
@DanEggenWPost @maggieNYT @jabinbotsford Imagine the jobs you wouldn’t get if your cover letter said achomlishments
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@laughingcavs laughs "Imagine the jobs you wouldn’t get if your cover letter said achomlishments". You certainly wouldn't be a WaPo reporter like @DanEggenWPost & all the others who aren't smart enough to have stopped Trump.
Elizabeth Dwoskin's avatar
From @lizzadwoskin
BREAKING: Facebook says it’s permanently banning Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan, and Milo Yiannopoulos for being “dang…
David Pomerantz's avatar
From @davidpom2000
@lizzadwoskin @maggieNYT Maybe they'll team up and start a rock band.
Kirk Merritt's avatar
From @Kirk4Defiance
@lizzadwoskin @maggieNYT Louis Farrakhan is "Far Right? Since when?
yanx62's avatar
From @yanx62
@lizzadwoskin @maggieNYT Now how about the Russian bots?
Sharon1950's avatar
From @SharonG1950
@lizzadwoskin THANK YOU! They will find other outlets willing to air their views, but it is good that they do not…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Remember when liberals opposed censorship and virtual book burnings? Er... remember when a few liberals truly opposed censorship and virtual book burnings? MT @davidpom2000 [lame joke in support of censorship]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Putin's much smarter than you. He knew people like you would support a bot hunt & thereby help him towards his goal of showing U.S. freedoms don't work. You serve Putin's interests. MT @yanx62 [Facebook decides what people can see, but it's OK] Now how about the Russian bots?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Kirk4Defiance: @lizzadwoskin is a lil' Honecker, a modern-day book burner. All cons/libertarians care about is that she briefly called Farrakhan far-right. Cons lack the smarts, sanity, & patriotism to help undercut lil' Honeckers like her.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So true! Conservatives make a big deal about book burnings & Fahrenheit 451, but banned authors could always distribute fliers on street corners! #liberalism #MAGA #resist MT @SharonG1950 THANK YOU! [Alex Jones etc] will find other outlets willing to air their views
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
Back from break. @jaketapper asking Warren about her upbringing — she tells the story of her father suffering heart…
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
Warren says her mom’s minimum wage job at Sears saved their house, and saved her family, and that this story isn’t…
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
Next audience member wants to know if Warren has a plan on student loan debt: “Oh Latoya. The answer is yes.”
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
Next Q is about how a historically black school like Jackson State can be first to lose funding — what can be done to prevent that?
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
“I want you to know — I get this one.” Says black students are more likely have to borrow money for college and hav…
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
Next Q is about how some critics think her handling of Native American heritage was “tone deaf and offensive.” Warr…
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
On the next Q: Warren says she wants to repeal every voter suppression law.
MJ Lee's avatar
From @mj_lee
Huge (biggest of the night so far?) applause line when Warren says she supports getting rid of the electoral colleg…
john brown's avatar
From @johnbro08670931
@mj_lee @maggieNYT This is not going to happen anytime soon, if ever, and campaigning for it will not help them wit…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@johnbro08670931: Warren's voting ideas are as fake as Trump's #immigration ideas. The supposed job of supposed reporters like @mj_lee is to call pols on obviously fake ideas. We're stuck with Trump because supposed reporters like her didn't do their jobs & ask questions. #CNN
Tim Wackenreuter's avatar
From @TimmyWack
@maggieNYT How about he's giving a voice to millions of people that feel this way about his character. Watching th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TimmyWack: on policy, Trump & Mittens aren't that far apart. @maggieNYT etc pretend they oppose mass immigration because her backers want even more than Trump/Mittens want & they want it faster. She needs a bogeyman & can't reveal how weak Trump/Mittens are on the issue.
Maggie Haberman's avatar
From @maggieNYT
It may help Romney long-term as he positions himself as a legislator. In the short term, it is unclear how other se…
Dlynn's avatar
From @dlfeltham
@maggieNYT Trump’s approval might be high among the base and among Republicans generally but the number of register…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dlfeltham: the "center", as defined by those like @maggieNYT, is extremist NeoLiberal policies: loose borders, free trade, & globalism. Despite claims to the contrary, both Trump & Mittens support that. So does the MSM: you won't see them calling Trump/Mittens on the downsides.
Bethsinni's avatar
From @bethsinniresist
RT @jdawsey1: Defying the Odds, @KellyannePolls Steps Back and Hangs On. Smart story from @katierogers and @maggieNYT:…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bethsinniresist: re @jdawsey1 hyping what he calls a "smart story" from @katierogers, it'd be actually smart if she/he discussed how pro-amnesty Kellyanne Conway is. She took Zuckerberg $ to deceive about amnesty, yet - oddly enough! - "reporters" ignore that. #TheResistance
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Now you tell us. Thank you for your patriotism, let us know when you find any. MT @maggieNYT When Trump talked “comprehensive immigration” plan on AF1 to France last July, at Miller’s urging, press shop left it out of transcript.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#FakeNews!!! #MAGA MT @maggieNYT In response to our reporting, Billy Bush reminds Trump that the voice on the Access Hollywood tape was Trump’s
Maggie Haberman's avatar
From @maggieNYT
Trump says reporters "don't like our country."
T-Covfefe's avatar
From @MyPlace4U
@maggieNYT @Cernovich President Trump is correct
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MyPlace4U: if/when Trump pushes amnesty for DREAMers, which side of amnesty will @Cernovich be on? Will he support amnesty? #MAGA
Maggie Haberman's avatar
From @maggieNYT
Ponder for a moment - Bannon not in Bedminster. Stephen Miller shares his worldview and writes many of POTUS longer speeches/statements
Maggie Haberman's avatar
From @maggieNYT
Kushner and Ivanka claimed Miller as theirs when the fighting openly broke out in spring. They know Miller/Sessions views well.
Joe NY #AmericaFirst's avatar
From @cciemaga4
@maggieNYT Miller is an American Patriot who wants sensible immigration. he has nothing to do with a few nazi's wal…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Has Miller pushed plans that are implementable or that are just for show? MT @cciedotnyc @maggieNYT [Stephen] Miller is an American Patriot
