Tweets to Ilya Marritz

Ilya Marritz's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ilya Marritz
Nueva York
[ILL-ya MARE-itz] Son of a refugee. Sr reporter @wnyc. Co-hosting Trump Inc. podcast, produced with @ProPublica. DMs open.
Tweets to this user:
Tuesday’s Child's avatar
From @MakeYourBed1
@ilyamarritz @MaddowBlog @hvogell @NYCMayor @BrianLehrer @ManhattanDA Didn’t Michael Cohen testify to this?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Has Cohen had any impact? Has anything Ilya has ever said had any impact on Trump? Haven't Trump's shenanigans always just helped him? Shouldn't you evaluate what you pay attention to? MT @MakeYourBed1 [didn't Cohen mention this?] MT @ilyamarritz [hypes useless Trump/tax blog]
Ilya Marritz's avatar
From @ilyamarritz
WATCH THIS SPACE >> for Trump Inc, @hvogell found Trump Org likely inflated and deflated property values, dependin…
Hunter Cullen 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇦🇺🇨🇦🇳🇿's avatar
From @HCullen98
@ilyamarritz @hvogell @NYCMayor @BrianLehrer @ManhattanDA Investigative journalism will be the ones who will save us!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You're a hack who's paid to lie, but Ilya isn't doing you any good. He's waving ppl down a fruitless path, ignoring where Trump is truly vulnerable. MT @HCullen98 Investigative journalism will be the ones who will save us! MT @ilyamarritz [hypes worthless Trump tax blog]
Ilya Marritz's avatar
From @ilyamarritz
This is a big deal. When I attended the @HeartlandInst conference on climate over the summer, there was a general a…
leslie ehrlich's avatar
From @leslieehrlich
@ilyamarritz @KlasfeldReports @HeartlandInst Why are they disappointed? They’ve gotten a lot. What do they feel they’re missing?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@leslieehrlich: @ilyamarritz has access to @HeartlandInst etc leaders. Has he ever asked an expert to give him questions that'd show them wrong, then asked them? Doesn't Ilya - just like Trump - only engage in childish smears like "Climate change deniers"?
Kim Wexler's Ponytail's avatar
From @MadisonKittay
@ilyamarritz @partlowj @Fahrenthold So....slaves. Trump had slaves.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MadisonKittay: @ilyamarritz etc are going after Trump on that to *enable* illegal immigration. They don't want it to stop, they want it to continue & more so. That means, due to your blind hatred of Trump, you're in the position of enabling widespread worker abuse.
Pissed Off Granny's avatar
From @Debie_Lynne
@ilyamarritz @KatCapps @partlowj @Fahrenthold I'd like to cook one meal or put one drink for Trump
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What would you do? Have you ever taken a personality test or similar, such as one mandated by a court? MT @Debie_Lynne I'd like to cook one meal or put one drink for Trump [winking face]
Ilya Marritz's avatar
From @ilyamarritz
the waiter who knew how to pour Trump's coke *just*the*right*way* was Mexican, working with fake papers. Remarkable…
BLH's avatar
@ilyamarritz @ReaIDonnaSiciIy @partlowj @Fahrenthold They also had to work overtime without pay. Were told to clock…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BLH_BLH: you know how GOP riles up the base using gender neutral bathrooms etc to push what they really want? That's exactly what @ilyamarritz is doing to you. He's using your dislike of Trump to get you to fall for NeoLiberalism (loose borders/free trade/globalism).