Tweets to Jonathan Chait

Jonathan Chait's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jonathan Chait
Washington, D.C.
Writer for New York magazine. Tweets with links are intended as prompts to read the linked story, not self-contained arguments substituting for the linked story
Tweets to this user:
Bre Payton's avatar
From @Bre_payton
.@jonathanchait says GOP needs to burn in a fire. Nothing will get fixed until “Everyone associated with this party…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He finally got one thing right. MT @Bre_payton .@jonathanchait says GOP needs to burn in a fire. Nothing will get fixed until “Everyone associated with this party is gone.” Calls for “Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah level of destruction”
Jonathan Chait's avatar
From @jonathanchait
Trump is almost literally a mobster
🇺🇸🆘 Just The Facts 🆘🇺🇸's avatar
From @wildwestpie
@jonathanchait Not almost. Literally. Trump = a mob boss There may not be a bunch of dead bodies in his wake...…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@wildwestpie: it always should have been incredibly easy for @jonathanchait to undercut Trump. Trump has repeatedly promoted *amnesty* & #MAGA hates amnesty. All Chait needed to do was constantly point that out & challenge Trump proxies on it. Instead, Chait has had zero impact
Steve | Watch The OA 🌹🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈's avatar
From @GayLabourYorkie
RT @kthalps: This could pass as "reporting" in 2015. But a collection of recycled smears in 2018. But you're right to draw attention to an…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GayLabourYorkie @kthalps: #Dilbert helped make Trump viable. @jonathanchait could've done easy (for me at least) things to stop that like pointing out *to likely Trump fans* that 4d chess is ludicrous, Trump is extremely venal, etc. Instead, Chait just ranted in an echo chamber
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LPDonovan: if the goal is to undercut Trump or at least hold him accountable, what use are you, @jonathanchait, or any of the rest? Eg, discredit Dilbert to his fans would greatly help undercut Trump. You, Chait, etc aren't smart enough to do it & aren't sane enough to help.
Jonathan Chait's avatar
From @jonathanchait
Trump is going to upgrade Rubio's nickname from "Liddle Marco" to "Mini-me"
Trial Lawyer Richard's avatar
From @TrialLawyerRich
@jonathanchait I think Marco Rubio's nickname should be "NRA tool."
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TrialLawyerRich: Stump site in my bio seeks to "cross examine" Trump & his proxies. That's the only way to undercut Trump to his base. 3 years on I've never got any help with it. @jonathanchait knows about it but refuses to help. Do you support cross examining Trump on policy?
Mike Walker's avatar
From @New_Narrative
RT @intelligencer: Jeff Sessions’s departure, and his replacement with Mark Whitaker, is Trump’s plan to corrupt the Department of Justice.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Nothing Chait has ever said has had any impact on Trump. Chait could call Trump a Martian and it'd have zero impact. He's useless. MT @New_Narrative MT intelligencer: [Sessions/Whitaker] is Trump’s plan to corrupt the Department of Justice [, @JonathanChait opines]
Petra Campbell's avatar
From @PetraAu
RT @NYMag: Donald Trump says he doesn't know Matt Whitaker (he does) and hasn't spoken to him about the Russia investigation (he has). @jon…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PetraAu: hi Petra. Nothing @jonathanchait has said has had an impact on Trump. Trump doesn't even know Chait exists, despite Chait writing 1000000s of words about him. Chait can't even strike down incredibly toxic things like cons pretending they're the only "patriots" in USA.
Jonathan Chait's avatar
From @jonathanchait
If you step back, it's kind of amazing the President of the United States, who has a massive information-gathering…
Simon Schama's avatar
From @simon_schama
@jonathanchait or "people say" or "we'll see"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@simon_schama: @jonathanchait has said a lot of bad things about Trump. No one cares: he's completely impotent. If he were a threat to Trump you'd see Trump or his proxies going after him, but they don't even know he exists. He could help undercut Trump but he's just a grifter.
Laura Chapin's avatar
From @LauraChapin
RT @jonathanchait: Reporters think violence is the accidental byproduct of Trump's rhetoric. Trump is telling us it's on purpose. https://t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LauraChapin: hi Laura, @jonathanchait could have tried to help stop Trump & could try to undercut him now. Eg: challenging Trump proxies on how the "Wall" is unimplementable. That'd really undercut Trump. Chait hasn't done that. Nothing he's ever blogged has had any impact.
Joshua Goodman's avatar
From @jshgdmn
will you write about this attack on campus speech, @bariweiss @jonathanchait @BretStephensNYT?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jshgdmn @jonathanchait might ineffectually write about that. He's had megaphone against both Trump & SJWs for years, but nothing he's ever said or done has had any impact on anything. He refuses to use smart tactics that'd work. He's completely worthless to USA.
