Tweets to Helen Rosner

Helen Rosner's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Helen Rosner
NYC via Chicago
I write about food for the New Yorker and I’m really truly not a restaurant critic | hi@helenlikesyou dot com | she/her
Tweets to this user:
Helen Rosner's avatar
From @hels
RT @noUpside: This is going to be miscast as censorship. It isn’t. The gaming of algorithms and distribution mechanisms is an attempt to ar…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hels: you RT noUpside's "This is going to be miscast as censorship. It isn’t." Can you name even one dictatorship that hasn't said the same thing? Those like you posture as Defenders of the First Amendment, but you're as eager to censor dissent as the Chinese government.