Tweets to Helen Magnavita

Helen Magnavita's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Helen Magnavita
Activist grandmother, #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #Resist #NotMyPresident #ImpeachTrumpAgain #RemoveTrump #BanAssaultWeapons #GunControlNow #WhitePeopleAgainstRacism
Tweets to this user:
Helen Magnavita's avatar
From @helenmag
RT @RosenforNevada: Instead of standing up to President Trump today on his anti-immigrant agenda, Senator Heller gave him a warm embrace. #…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump is actually very pro-amnesty, pro-mass #immigration. That's where he's most vulnerable. "Wacky Jacky" simply isn't smart enough to understand that & to use it. MT @helenmag MT @RosenforNevada: Instead of standing up to President Trump today on his anti-immigrant agenda...
Helen Magnavita's avatar
From @helenmag
RT @sdwoody1977: @Need2Impeach @TomSteyer There's more skeletons in his closet. The carpet layer in New York that he didn't pay a dime to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump is extremely vulnerable *to his base* on his unimplementable plans. @Need2Impeach & @TomSteyer refuse to call him out where he's weakest. MT @helenmag MT @sdwoody1977 There's more skeletons in [Trump's] closet [he only gave a waiter a 9% tip in 1978 or some other BS]