Tweets to Dazzling Mimi

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Dazzling Mimi
United States
โค๏ธ Buckeyes and CBJ
Tweets to this user:
WAM!'s avatar
From @womenactmedia
Experiencing gendered harassment on Twitter? Send us your report & weโ€™ll work w/Twitter to address it. New project!
Mina | Join the #NRA's avatar
From @minasmith64
Is @womenactmedia interested in the harassment & abuse women endure at hands of #Feminists? #WomenAgainstFeminism
Dazzling Mimi's avatar
From @DublinMimi
@womenactmedia would your site apply to republican women that are attacked on Twitter for their views?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DublinMimi: of course not. One way to combat them is to point out to Twitter investors how being lil' fascists will cost them money.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@minasmith64: no. To do something about it, cost #Twitter investors money in one way or another.