Tweets to Carmen Yulín Cruz

Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Carmen Yulín Cruz
San Juan
Cuenta Oficial de Carmen Yulin Cruz
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CarmenYulinCruz toured the (SoCal) burn areas. Because minor celebs have to desperately try to remain relevant even at - nay, especially at - cost to the people. Meanwhile, she's never made a smart, big tent case against Trump's gross incompetence but has only ever helped him.
#IMPotus🍑's avatar
From @TravelingUS
THANK YOU SO MUCH MAYOR @CarmenYulinCruz !!! #PuertoRico has a CHAMPION!!! Watch @PBS #BreakingBig Episode!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TravelingUS: after Maria, @CarmenYulinCruz tweeted "#PuertoRico needs water!" Less than a week later, she tweeted a pic in a torrential downpour. *Billions* around the world have systems to store rainwater. Enabling her is as bad as enabling Trump. #PuertoRico
The Weather Channel's avatar
From @weatherchannel
Tropical Storm #Kirk has developed south of the Cabo Verde Islands in the eastern Atlantic - here is what we're wat…
David Dave's avatar
From @David4884Dave
@weatherchannel Hey #puertorico @CarmenYulinCruz you may still have a chance to give out these water bottles. If yo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@David4884Dave: you're (supposedly) a "blue collar worker never used food stamps, welfare, Medicaid". Are Trump's moves to roll back regulations a giveaway (corporate socialism) to Big Biz? Did Trump increase the # of Dem voters in Florida, yes or no?
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
Pres Trump thinks loosing 3,000 lives is a success. Can you imagine what he thinks failure looks like?
AZSuburbVoter ⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸's avatar
From @noprezzie2012
@CarmenYulinCruz Honey, you look like failure. He delivered the help.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@noprezzie2012: you say Trump "delivered the help" to #PuertoRico. PR is just 35 miles high. Eg, teams would have to hike at most 17 miles to reach any settlement in PR (easy for those with experience). It took week+ to reach all PR settlements. Explain. #MAGA
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@thinkpuertorico: Trump needs to be held accountable for sat phones, not having teams in each #PuertoRico settlement within hours, etc. etc. @CarmenYulinCruz is just putting on a show & helping Trump by repelling even those prone to oppose Trump.
Think Puerto Rico's avatar
From @thinkpuertorico
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@thinkpuertorico: @CarmenYulinCruz is toxic. Would Dems choose Kathy Griffin as their spokesmodel? CYC is like that. Example: she tweeted "we need water!" Less than a week later she tweeted a pic of her in a torrential rain. She lacks smarts to understand what a cistern is.
Gerson Borrero's avatar
From @GersonBorrero
On point...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GersonBorrero: after Maria, @CarmenYulinCruz tweeted " #PuertoRico needs water!" A week later she tweeted a pic of her in a torrential downpour. If you don't want to act like a baby, can you see a problem with that?
Melissa Mark-Viverito's avatar
From @MMViverito
"I would not put it past Trump to punish the people of Puerto Rico to teach that woman of color a lesson." That wo…
Andy Praschak's avatar
From @AndyPraschak
@MMViverito @CarmenYulinCruz @Pwr4PuertoRico @latinovictoryus It was clear from day one that Trump hated…
I Am Román-Joy's avatar
From @RomanJoySays
@AndyPraschak @MMViverito @CarmenYulinCruz @Pwr4PuertoRico @latinovictoryus @ricardorossello While she's not my cho…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump hates everyone who stands up to him. You wouldn't know. Did her cutesy t-shirts & card playing deliver the goods for #PuertoRico, yes or now? MT @AndyPraschak It was clear from day one that Trump hated @CarmenYulinCruz for being a Puerto Rican woman who stood up to him
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RomanJoySays: San Juan mayor just did shtick for #TheResistance. Her goal is/was never to help #PuertoRico, it's just about putting on a show. Eg, #FEMA & sat phones is an egregious example of incompetence even #MAGA would understand. Did Cruz ever use that against Trump?
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
A humbling experience to be in this group of Latino women who have told the truth. Let’s go sisters.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CarmenYulinCruz: you tweeted a plea for water less than 24 hours before tweeting a whine about torrential rains. Most people get their water via rain. You harmed #PuertoRico - and helped Trump! - by putting on a show for #TheResistance, not listening to smarter people.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#HR4HR: #PuertoRico tells our enemies we're incredibly incompetent absolute wimps w/ deranged leaders like Trump & @CarmenYulinCruz. #resist
