Tweets to Carmen Yulín Cruz

Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
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Carmen Yulín Cruz
San Juan
Cuenta Oficial de Carmen Yulin Cruz
Tweets to this user:
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
And introduced stop and frisk to discriminate against African Americans and Latinos; and dramatically increased cha…
Dr. CRS النصارى كاثرين's avatar
From @foxybookgirl
@CarmenYulinCruz @ninaturner @RoKhanna @YoBenCohen And stopped and frisked tens of thousands
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@foxybookgirl: it's incredibly easy to show MAGA that Trump's Maria response was grossly incompetent; doing that would have forced a better #CoronaVirus response. @CarmenYulinCruz had/has the means to show Trump incompetent to his base. Instead, she acted/acts like a child.
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
En este movimiento es importante que todos sean parte de la conversación. Gracias a @AOC por participar del primer…
Pam's avatar
From @pam_elizondo
@CarmenYulinCruz @AOC @BernieSanders @Latinos4Bernie @NevadaforBernie Gracias. @johncusack
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@pam_elizondo: after Maria, @CarmenYulinCruz tweeted "we need water!" Less than a week later, she tweeted a pic of her in a rainstorm. Cisterns are as old as man, but she can't figure that out. What impact did her cheap stunts have? Did they work?
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
Gracias a la gerencia de @Cardenas_Market en Las Vegas por enseñarnos un establecimiento de primera donde los latin…
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
En esta campaña vamos a donde está nuestra gente. @Latinos4Bernie @NevadaforBernie @BernieSanders
Dr. Titus Dentarius's avatar
From @TitusReinoso
@CarmenYulinCruz @Latinos4Bernie @NevadaforBernie @BernieSanders Continua allá q acá perdiste ya..sabemos que te pr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TitusReinoso: @CarmenYulinCruz can't figure out cisterns (see her Maria tweets re water), what do you expect? All she did after Maria was get on TV and do cheap stunts that just made things worse. Point it out to her voters.
Rachana D. Pradhan's avatar
From @rachanadixit
Key Republicans and Democrats had endorsed legislation providing roughly $12 billion in Medicaid funds to Puerto Ri…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rachanadixit: you blog "Trump slashed Puerto Rico's Medicaid money as part of budget deal". How did @carmenyulincruz 's cheap, brainless stunts work out?
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
Ignorance, xenophobia and racism are a harmful combination.
Ana Cuebas's avatar
From @Anaelenacuebas
@CarmenYulinCruz When I was stationed in Kuwait I was told women are obliged to use the hijab to conform their inferiority.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Cruz is incapable of figuring out how illiberal some of her thoughts are. RT @Anaelenacuebas When I was stationed in Kuwait I was told women are obliged to use the hijab to conform their inferiority MT @CarmenYulinCruz [plays race card on opposition to wearing hijab]
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
Luz de acuerdo. Todas las carreteras con 1, 2 ó 3 números son estatales. Por lo tanto su queja debe estar dirigida…
Wigberto Gonzalez's avatar
From @wigberto17
@CarmenYulinCruz Pues haga las gestiones usted con el gobierno central. Usted es la alcaldesa
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@wigberto17: after Maria, @CarmenYulinCruz tweeted "PR needs water!" Less than a week later she tweeted a pic of her in a monsoon. CNN showed FEMA airdropping bottled H2O in a light rain. Did she build emergency cisterns & demand industrial reverse osmosis or just act out?
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
Thanks @RoKhanna for respecting the wishes of the people of Puerto Rico.
Jay's avatar
From @ant_911
@CarmenYulinCruz @RoKhanna I agree with Ro, we also need new leadership in San Juan too, send people over Ro we need them.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ant_911: after Maria, @CarmenYulinCruz tweeted "Puerto Rico needs water!" Less than a week later, she tweeted a pic of her in a deluge. People have had cisterns for millennia, but she can't figure that out. All her antics did was make things easier for Trump.
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
When you visit Old San Juan you art will find you. Cuando vistas el Viejo San Juan el arte te encontrará.…
Frank's avatar
From @El_Kabayote
@CarmenYulinCruz @SJUCiudadPatria @RadiodeSanJuan Art????? that's a copycat from NYC!!!....They stole that from Tim…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@El_Kabayote: plus, @CarmenYulinCruz has done nothing about Trump's gross incompetence other than putting on a cheap show. Trump couldn't wish for a more incompetent opposition.
Amy 👩🏽‍🔬👩🏿‍💻👩🏻‍🍳🤬🍸's avatar
From @AmySeeksTruth
@CarmenYulinCruz Thousands of people die from extreme weather everywhere and it is only getting worse, exponentially.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AmySeeksTruth: hey Amy, how has @CarmenYulinCruz actually helped #PuertoRico? Did any of her antics, t-shirts, tweets, etc etc get Trump to change what he was doing? Has she helped expose *to his base* his gross incompetence, or has she in fact just helped Trump with his base?
Carmen Yulín Cruz's avatar
From @CarmenYulinCruz
Those of us who have undergone the pain and suffering of stonger hurricanes because of climate change KNOW IT IS RE…
david sirias's avatar
From @davidsirias1
@CarmenYulinCruz Please be Bernie’s point person in bilingual LA OC IE. That Univision watching demo is huge. If yo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@davidsirias1: most in those areas are MexAms. @CarmenYulinCruz is from PR. Unless you try to engender a general anti-Yankee feeling (never underestimate how low Dems will go!) those groups don't have much in common. Do you support white solidarity too, Dave?
