Tweets to RB 17*76

RB 17*76's avatar
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RB 17*76
America First! Reason vs Passion. MAGA #CONSTITUTION = handbook 4 a strong America. Fortis et Fidelis! PATRIOT, CHRISTIAN #MARRIED. FB: @GenFlynn
Tweets to this user:
Allum Bokhari's avatar
From @LibertarianBlue
Exactly as I said in my article yesterday. The more accounts block and mute you, the more your tweets get downrankeโ€ฆ
RB 17*76's avatar
From @braggrandall
@LibertarianBlue Seems like there is a hashtag war going on surrounding Twitterโ€™s new sneakiness!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@braggrandall: FYI, @LibertarianBlue is lying about what #Twitter is doing. They censor all kinds of users, not just cons. See the actual data at my pinned tweet. Opposing Twitter over censoring all kinds of users is much stronger than falsely pretending it's all about cons.