Tweets to Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ann Coulter
Los Angeles/NYC
Tweets to this user:
(((Christian JB))) 🐌's avatar
From @christianjbdev
Useful idiots (ranked): @PrisonPlanet, @JackPosobiec, @seanhannity, @Cernovich, @IngrahamAngle, @AnnCoulter,…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@christianjbdev: the goal of @RidT etc. is to quash dissent & try to make everyone only listen to approved news sources. He & the other lil' Honeckers are the opposite of liberals. They can't even show Hannity etc wrong. Very sad all around.
JJDTM 🚂🚋💨 #WalkAway #WWG1WGA's avatar
From @JJDTMWG0992
RT @IWillRedPillUSA: @AnnCoulter White Europeans are beautiful I'm not going to be shamed for being born and wanting to carry on a legacy…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JJDTMWG0992 @IWillRedPillUSA: @AnnCoulter thinks Messi, Wayne Rooney, De Bruyne, Neuer, etc etc are "moral decay". She prefers all-American NFL legends like Ray Lewis, Jack Tatum, and Al Davis. Which do you prefer? #AltRight
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Owner of the limo company that killed 20 ppl over the weekend identified as “Malik” who lives in Dubai.
Rev. Ray Barnett Ph.D; Th.D's avatar
From @pr_barnett
@AnnCoulter I live and pastor in the city where 17 of those 20 people killed on Saturday also lived. All were frien…
Lisa B.'s avatar
From @politeracy
@pr_barnett @AnnCoulter So sorry for the loss. Unimaginable. Lots of families suffering, hopefully you can support…
Rev. Ray Barnett Ph.D; Th.D's avatar
From @pr_barnett
@politeracy @AnnCoulter We have thank you. My daughter and son-in-law have just left for the candle vigil being hel…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@pr_barnett: @AnnCoulter is using a tragedy to smear anyone named Malik or from Dubai. That's not Christian, but it is today's conservatism.
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
The only gang rape is the one happening to Brett Kavanaugh.
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@AnnCoulter You're as predictable as a bad odor in an outhouse, Ann! Evidence of bad boy Brett being a weinie-wagg…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter Evidence is piling up? The rules of evidence provide you must provides witnesses to corrob…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter Bonus boy, Kavanaugh is NOT in a courtroom. A red herring fallacy. The Judiciary Commit…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter I doubt your demeanor would be sterling if the fake news & every fringe lefty group called…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter You bonus turds called Obama "everything but a White man", for 8 years. He never lost h…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter No, absolutely not, I never called him a white man! That would be ignorant. Skin color usu…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter It's clear you struggle with American idiom. That's common for those learning English a…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter Tek the anger has consumed you. That is very clear! #WeWinYouLose
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter Just disgust, bonus baby. I'm ashamed of your gang, for you. I know you don't have the…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter Sc**w your feelings and your shame, I don’t need either! Barry, Michael and the socialists…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter With republikans holding BOTH houses of Congress,it would have taken a magician to get…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter Mark my words tek, another beating is coming for your party of fools in the midterms . Any…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter You mark 'em, bubba. You'll be eating them, soon enough. Only 33% believed Beer Kavanau…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter You can quote me all the stats you want to Hillary, on how and why Supreme Court Justice C…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter Denial is not a river in Egypt Bonus. Just cuz a small number of lunatics have taken ov…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter Lib I know ur type. U don’t work or pay taxes and live on welfare. Please go 2 work 2 give…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter Anhnhnh! Sorry, bubba, wrong guess! Care to try for Double Jeopardy, where the scores c…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter Oh forgot to phrase it in the form of a question. What is an out-of-touch hippy socialist…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter Bonus, you're embarrassing yourself w/ this blatant penis-envy! I probably made 5x your…
Bonus Coverage's avatar
From @bonus_coverage
@anarchitek1 @AnnCoulter People who are as successful as you claim to be don’t make boastful claims like that in pu…
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@bonus_coverage @AnnCoulter Lies, lies, lies, lies. You lot make a mockery of the truth, lie when the truth would s…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@anarchitek1: you'll never undercut Coulter using Dem talking points. You have to understand what her audience wants and then show them she can't figure things out. Make these points to her audience and find others to help out.
anarchitek 🍑's avatar
From @anarchitek1
@24AheadDotCom_ I gave up trying to have intelligent conversations with the lunatic fringe Far Reich tea-billies lo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@anarchitek1: you can't convince "lunatic fringe". Go after those who want to be respectable & who want to have careers after Trump like Mike Shields, Andre Bauer, etc. You get those w/ access to them to force them to either side w/ Trump or turn against him. It's old school.
Grace's avatar
From @graca5683
RT @AnnCoulter: Build the wall!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@graca5683: W. TX is great: Alpine, Guadalupe Peak, etc. Unfortunately, @AnnCoulter can't figure out that Trump Wall wouldn't work. He'd trade amnesty to get it & then when he's out of office Congress would just tear it down. It'd be the '86 amnesty all over again.
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
Put Democrats on Trial's avatar
From @ScottRickhoff
@AnnCoulter Hey, am I way off here or are Liberals not handling Hillary’s loss as well as they could have?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ScottRickhoff: the patriotic way to look at things isn't D vs R, it's what's best for the USA. Are #TheResistance stunts good for the USA? Was Trump's gross incompetence good for the USA? Is Trump colluding with Pelosi on amnesty good for the USA? Put USA first, not Leader.
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Happy #Diversity Day! 17 years ago today, legal immigrants changed our lives forever.
Lisa 🇺🇸♥️🌻's avatar
From @jhawk1986
@AnnCoulter Never Forget
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jhawk1986: hi Lisa. When the U.S. national #soccer team was in the World Cup, @AnnCoulter called soccer "moral decay". Now, the U.S. team is on ESPN playing against Mexico. Has she called cheering for the USA "moral decay" yet?
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Thank you, Laura— and thank you, @rushlimbaugh!!!
Laura Loomer's avatar
From @LauraLoomer
@AnnCoulter @rushlimbaugh ️ I love listening to your commentary. The best of the best. Rush called you a warrior today.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hi Laura, Coulter thinks Trump "wall" would be "forever". She enables future illegal #immigration: Congress would just tear it down. We'd have *more* illegal immigration due to him. MT @LauraLoomer @AnnCoulter @rushlimbaugh [Sie sind das bestest] Rush called you a warrior today.
BOND text Trump to “88022”'s avatar
From @jamesbott007
RT @AngelOfficial: @meme_america @GOPLeader @AnnCoulter @TuckerCarlson All of these VERIFIED accounts called for someone to physically harm…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Doesn't the current setup indicate you're doing it wrong? Eg, you seemingly want them to be censored as you falsely claim only you are censored. MT @jamesbott007 RT @AngelOfficial: @meme_america All of these VERIFIED accounts called for someone to physically harm [etc]
Brandon Straka's avatar
From @usminority
Great to meet @AnnCoulter today- turns out she’s a big fan of #WalkAway Campaign!
Gil Coleman 🇧🇷🇺🇸's avatar
From @Gilcoleman
@usminority @AnnCoulter .She is right! Real Americans have to raise their voices for what stands for. Do not bec…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Real Americans don't call other Americans non-Real Americans. You & Coulter & unclear on basic American concepts, all to help a Putin puppet. #MAGA #resist MT @Gilcoleman @usminority @AnnCoulter .She is right! Real Americans have to raise their voices for what 🇺🇸 stands for.
