Tweets to Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ann Coulter
Los Angeles/NYC
Tweets to this user:
JaneDoe's avatar
From @Caerage
@AnnCoulter & #MAGAs: they aren't trying to build a wall. They aren't even talking about a wall. You've been played…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Caerage: as ER doc you must be very smart. So, you'll realize the way to undercut Trump to his base is to point out to them that Congress would neglect/tear down his "wall" when he's out of office. I'm not ER doc, but I have a whole line of questioning on that. Will you use it?
Mark Smith's avatar
From @Stillwatermark
@AnnCoulter Congress needs to fix birthright citizenship. It’s simple plus zero cost. If one parent isn’t a legal…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Place the average Trump fan on the Bell Curve. Feel free to zoom out as much as needed. #MAGA #resist MT @Stillwatermark Congress needs to fix birthright citizenship. It’s simple plus zero cost.
Mark Smith's avatar
From @Stillwatermark
@24AheadDotCom_ Get a job!
SEL's avatar
From @veelabgm
@AnnCoulter If the current rate of judicial malfeasance continues, one judge in San Francisco could keep the wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@veelabgm: Trump has to shut down the govt to try to get just $5B for his "wall". Now, imagine what's going to happen when he wants $5B to do needed maintenance on his "wall". And when Trump's out of office & Pres Chelsea moves to tear down the "wall". Trump != #MAGA
Eric Richardson's avatar
From @lbyron
@AnnCoulter This guy apparently forgot that Trump offered the Dems *more* than they wanted on DACA in return for th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Indeed! Trump was quite willing to sell out the USA with an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, to get a "wall" that the Dems would just tear down. MT @lbyron [Sean Trende] apparently forgot that Trump offered the Dems *more* than they wanted on DACA in return for the wall.
Mary Wolfe's avatar
From @Amaoricangirl56
@AnnCoulter The wall is not for illegals already here. It’s to prevent future foreigners from coming in the wrong w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Amaoricangirl56: indeed! Trump's Wall will have big doors that will let in millions *legally*. Before Trump, those same people who would have come here illegally. What Trump wants is to let them in *legally* (and also legalize millions of DREAMers). #MAGA!
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Totally false. There’s no point in having a wall if judges can legalize illegals already here (and yet to come).
Bill Jackman's avatar
From @BillJackman
@AnnCoulter Can you please explain to PT how to get the funding for the border wall, Ann?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BillJackman: Trump can't even get $5B for his "wall", imagine what'll happen when Trump's out of office & what little of the "wall" he ever builds needs billions of maintenance. @AnnCoulter isn't just a grifter, she simply isn't smart enough to realize the "wall" is a joke.
3700lv's avatar
From @3700lv
@24AheadDotCom_ @BillJackman @AnnCoulter this is my first time here, and I'm stunned. I'd heard of her before, but…
Steve Ramsey's avatar
From @SteveRamsey333
@AnnCoulter I ️ government shutdowns.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SteveRamsey333: I realized Trump was 100% fake on #immigration way back in 2015 & I never for one nanosecond trusted him. @AnnCoulter was a full-on Gauleiter until it impacted her grift. If she were truly sincere about reduce illegal immigration she would've said something then
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
NOT "BORDER SECURITY"! A WALL! They don't call it "The great drone of China."
Jason Elander's avatar
From @JasonElander
@AnnCoulter Technically a big minefield might be an ok substitute.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Let's think about that, Jason. Do you care that otherwise-innocent people might be killed crossing the border? Think about those you'd kill. Let's just stop there. I want you to justify that. MT @JasonElander Technically a big minefield might be an ok substitute.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RealDonaldTrump has unfollowed @AnnCoulter after she called his a "joke presidency". That will certainly stop her from finally being semi-right about one thing (which, like me, she should have known 3.5 years ago).
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
In Stephanie's defense, she was defending Louis Farrakhan from aspersions being cast by me on MSNBC's most admired…
bob clendenin's avatar
From @bobclendenin
@AnnCoulter In Stephanie’s defense, people seem to like and respect her and tend to think of you as the putrid vomit bowl of a horcrux.
R's avatar
From @rbsslc
@bobclendenin @AnnCoulter No, people don't feel that way about Ann, only putrid vomit bowl of a horcrux individuals do.
bob clendenin's avatar
From @bobclendenin
@rbsslc @AnnCoulter She’s a desperate attention whore and nothing more. Aim higher, Richard.
R's avatar
From @rbsslc
@bobclendenin @AnnCoulter Your right I did drop down a lot of notches to respond to you.
bob clendenin's avatar
From @bobclendenin
@rbsslc @AnnCoulter Okay Richard, sorry I can’t chat more- I’m going to go watch the latest slate of scandals, indi…
R's avatar
From @rbsslc
@bobclendenin @AnnCoulter If it's MSM that your getting your news from then don't worry about missing it. I underst…
bob clendenin's avatar
From @bobclendenin
@rbsslc @AnnCoulter I hate to break this to you but eventually you’ll have to realize that chanting “fake news” isn…
R's avatar
From @rbsslc
@bobclendenin @AnnCoulter Bob you don't need to be sorry. If we wager it will be me that should be sorry cause it w…
bob clendenin's avatar
From @bobclendenin
@rbsslc @AnnCoulter Sure, what’s the bet?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bobclendenin: @AnnCoulter is extremely vulnerable to her base. She thinks Trump "wall" would be "forever", yet simple arguments would prove to #MAGA that Congress would neglect/tear down the "wall" when Trump's out of office. Will you use that to undercut her to her base?
