Tweets to John Avlon

John Avlon's avatar
Twitter handle: 
John Avlon
New York City
Senior Political Analyst & fill-in Anchor for CNN @NewDay. EIC of The Daily Beast 2013-2018. Author, Wingnuts & Washington's Farewell. Happily half of @Hoovalon
Tweets to this user:
(((Mia Bloom)))'s avatar
From @MiaMBloom
C’mon @JohnAvlon it wasn’t @washingtonpost who did the research you just cited on @JohnBerman @cnn but…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Haven't seen you before, but I'll write to CNN, MSNBC, & Fox about you. It'd be a smart idea to post a mea culpa. MT @MiaMBloom ...[I'm a big fan of] @Ayal_Feinberg [& Branton & Martinez-Ebers] [who did the apparently since-debunked study that ] @monkeycageblog hyped
John Avlon's avatar
From @JohnAvlon
3.07 million registered Dems in NYC as of 2016
John Podhoretz's avatar
From @jpodhoretz
@JohnAvlon That number is bizarre. Almost 50% of all people in NYC of voting age @ForecasterEnten
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jpodhoretz: @ForecasterEnten claims #DACA is popular, yet that's just because MSM constantly propagandizes it w/ valedictorians, etc.
MargaretHoover's avatar
From @MargaretHoover
About to go live from #nerdprom @cnn @johnavlon @maevereston @saraemurray
Tina W's avatar
From @tmwinsett
@MargaretHoover @CNN @JohnAvlon @MaeveReston Disappointed @cnn isn't on live for Recognition of journos jailed & killed #whcd
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
RT @tmwinsett @MargaretHoover @CNN @JohnAvlon @MaeveReston Disappointed @cnn isn't on live for Recognition of journos jailed & killed #whcd
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@tmwinsett: #CNN is a Safe Space. They're too scared to challenge pols, foreign leaders, etc. They agreed to go easy on Saddan for access!