Tweets to Caleb R. Newton

Caleb R. Newton's avatar
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Caleb R. Newton
Find me at Captured Howls, @newnoisemags, @bandcamp Daily, and more.
Tweets to this user:
Liz Wheeler's avatar
From @Liz_Wheeler
Summary of #DemDebate: - Abolish private health insurance - Open borders - No restrictions on abortion - 70% tax oโ€ฆ
Caleb R. Newton's avatar
From @defineparanoia
@Liz_Wheeler This is such a misrepresentation I donโ€™t even feel like listing why
katmas๐ŸŽ„'s avatar
From @thekatmoschetto
@defineparanoia @Liz_Wheeler Iโ€™m a democrat and have to say, what she said is pretty spot on...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@thekatmoschetto: @Liz_Wheeler helps the Dems by lying about them supporting "open borders". All she'd have to do is say "loose borders" but cons always have to lie. Her false accusations just lead to Dem pols giving a speech about border security. It's completely ineffective.