Tweets to Mina Davis

Mina Davis's avatar
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Mina Davis
Omaha, NE
Candidate for the #NEleg in LD 8 2nd gen American. Daughter of a veteran. Data scientist. Elevate, engage, empower. Vice Chair of Chapter Building @youngdems
Tweets to this user:
Mina Davis's avatar
From @MinaForNebraska
I say that FOSTA/SESTA is terrible public policy. This does nothing to aid #sexworkers or truly stop trafficking.
Mina Davis's avatar
From @MinaForNebraska
What's the best way to create awareness of this terrible policy? I'm already talking to fellow progressives about being bold on this.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MinaForNebraska: you promote "Building Black Women's Political Power". Would you, say, promote "Building White Men's Political Power" in a "majority-minority" context or are you a full-on, fact-free Gramscian? Nevertheless, I'll answer your question next.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Socratic debate is the solution to all political issues. If you think a policy is "terrible", ask supporters tough, pointed questions designed to force them into making admissions against interest. MT @MinaForNebraska What's best way to create awareness of this terrible policy?