Tweets to Belgian Red Devils

Belgian Red Devils's avatar
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Belgian Red Devils
Official Twitter of the Belgian Red Devils, the @BelgianFootball men's national football team. Enjoying our 2018 @FIFAWorldCup #REDTOGETHER
Tweets to this user:
'M's avatar
From @ItzSketch
@BelRedDevils you coulda been facing Sweden by now. instead you chose to finish top of your group and face Brazil.โ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Not only that, Fox is hiding the game on FS1 after showing dozens of games on network. No matter who wins, most Americans won't know about it. MT @ItzSketch @BelRedDevils you coulda been facing Sweden by now. instead you chose to finish top of your group and face Brazil
MikeTirico's avatar
From @miketirico
Great @FIFAWorldCup morning .. our former tv teammate Roberto Martinez has @BelRedDevils rolling. Now listeniโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@miketirico: IIRC, I had to watch #Olympics #soccer final on Univision because NBC was too dim to show it. I also had to watch several previous matches online. Compare to Murdoch - so far at least - putting #WorldCup on network.