Tweets to Heineken US

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Heineken US
United States
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Tweets to this user:
Roberto Abramowitz's avatar
From @RobAbramowitz
RT @TaylorTwellman: .@bguzan talked about last week’s shocker & how @ATLUTD will define success in our @Heineken_US @ESPNFC #BootRoomBus #M…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
More #soccer visible to more people = better results. That means urging networks/ESPN to show more soccer, urging teams to cut a deal to get on network/ESPN even if they take a cut, etc. All you ~agree, right? MT @RobAbramowitz RT @TaylorTwellman: @bguzan talked [to me] about...