Tweets to dennis g #MAGAveteran

dennis g #MAGAveteran's avatar
Twitter handle: 
dennis g #MAGAveteran
Houston, TX
God Bless Texas+Soldiers deployed-Bless all KIA & POWs-Semper Fi USMC Vet*Gulf of Tonkin Yacht Club*USS Denver*USS Tripoli*USS Tuscaloosa.
Tweets to this user:
dennis g #MAGAveteran's avatar
From @griff4d1
RT @CarlHill66: Hello, I used to be here until I triggered a leftist. 3K followers gone in a snap. Still believe there is no conservative c…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My data - real data, start at my top tweet - shows #Twitter censors about as many libs as cons. Deal with your issues that make you think all revolves around fragile snowflakes like you. MT @griff4d1 MT @CarlHill66: Hello, I used to be here until I triggered a leftist.
dennis g #MAGAveteran's avatar
From @griff4d1
RT @GOPLeader: Censorship of conservatives on social media has reached a breaking point. We will not be silenced. My discussion w/ @Ingraha…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@griff4d1: my data - start at my top tweet - shows #Twitter censors about as many libs as cons. Making a big deal about that is much more likely to stop Twitter censorship than what @GOPLeader does. He's dividing the possible opposition & you know that's not effective.