Tweets to Mindy Finn

Mindy Finn's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Mindy Finn
United States
Co-founder @StandUpRepublic with @Evan_McMullin. Former Independent VP Candidate, Entrepreneur, Twitter, Inc, Romney, Bush. Proud wife, Mom to sons, Texan.
Tweets to this user:
Matthew's avatar
From @SteelSlayerMatt
I'm Proud To Say That I #StandUpWithEvan @Evan_McMullin & @mindyfinn . I'm #NeverTrump and I always will be.
Kristi Helvig's avatar
From @KristiHelvig
@MatthewTwihard There are a lot of us #NeverTrump'ers from all different paths which is awesome! @Evan_McMullin @mindyfinn
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KristiHelvig: can you help me figure this out? I told @Evan_McMullin how to impact Trump in Oct:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KristiHelvig: do you think it's more "cognitive issues" or "emotional issues" that kept @Evan_McMullin & #NeverTrump from having impact?
Ex-GOP Krisden's avatar
From @Krisden10
RT @KelseyKWitt: "I would do this with @Evan_McMullin ten times over." -@mindyfinn
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I told him how to beat Trump. He couldn't even win UT. MT @Krisden10 RT @KelseyKWitt: "I would do this with @Evan_McMullin ten times over."
Teri Adams's avatar
From @Teri_A_Adams
RT @PamK11: Yes, thank you @Evan_McMullin @TheRickWilson @mindyfinn @rumpfshaker @TeamMcMullin @Joel_Searby and all my fellow patriots! I'm…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Teri_A_Adams @PamK11: I told @rumpfshaker how she could stopped Trump & she refused to do it. Enable her all you want: she's incompetent.