.@agchaikin: it's great @RadioFreeTom opposes Trump's Iran/culture threat. It's also worthless.
As with most other things, Trump is extremely vulnerable *to his base* on his threat.
If Tom were smart he could use the threat to undercut Trump *to his base*.
.@ReflectingMan: both I & @TheRickWilson have opposed Trump since 2015. He's had countless TV appearances/tweets/etc & has had *zero* impact on Trump. Meanwhile, I've repeatedly shown how to undercut Trump to his base. Which of us is it smarter & saner to help with our goals?
Gleick & the smart gals - decades later - still haven't figured out why 10s of millions ignore them
MT @superdeluxe9000 [cheers] MT @PeterGleick USWeatherExpert mansplains AND sciencesplains incoherent climate science to two of the smartest women climate scientists in the world.
10s of millions are confused & don't believe those like Gill. Arguments From Authority, handwaving, culturally hostile, & when that fails they push censorship. She'll never figure that out.
MT @BlairKing_ca MT @JacquelynGill I research wildfire... Climate change [= more fires]
.@MJoseFigueiredo: @TomSteyer has $1 bil+, but 4+ years later he's *never* presented a case against Trump that'd resonate with Trump's base.
It'd be *incredibly easy* for him to undercut Trump to Trump's base (see my anti-Trump posts), but Steyer just is not smart enough.
.@tool32386: just like Trump, @TomSteyer thinks of the Constitution not as a roadmap but as an obstacle. He wants to silence 10s of millions of voters & he wants to go around - rather than convincing as is the Western tradition - Congress on climate change.
.@ScarletAvengers: you & @joncoopertweets aren't just trying & failing to oppose Trump, he's an obsession to you (& a distraction to Cooper). The fact is that Epstein's pals transcend politics. It's an issue with the entire establishment. Trump isn't even invited to their dinners
Trump, earlier today: "Pursuant to Official Trump Executive Order #923412-B, I am hereby demoting Energy Secretary Rick Perry & the guy Mick what's-his-name to non-speaking roles. This will save $300k annually. Thank you in advance."
#MAGA #resist
Trump's only a minor bit player in Epstein saga. Cooper is sleazily trying to make an issue of the entire establishment just about his bete noir.
MT @B52Malmet MT @joncoopertweets ...Makes you wonder whether Epstein was killed to [silence him] on Trump & other powerful friends
.@Dave83709: to vijaya & @tdrobbo the AU fires are just virtue signaling. Like how Twitter pretended to be "free speech wing of the free speech party" but now they heavily shelter Rouhani, Medvedev, Duterte, etc from dissent (see my pinned tweet).
.@jackconnolly_: check out the reproducible data at my pinned tweet showing just how heavily @jongulick censors dissent around the world. He helps everyone from Rouhani & Medvedev to Ajit Pai & Marsha Blackburn hide from dissent.
Do you support him sheltering Medvedev & Rouhani?
.@JoshuaGEdwards: view source on this page & look at the divitus @mad_typist churns out. She & Twitter in general are grossly incompetent, but they're good (see my pinned tweet) at helping Rouhani, Medvedev, Ajit Pai, etc. etc. hide from dissent by heavily censoring their critics
.@silviamanak: good @MarianneFogarty had nice trip.
But, she heavily censors dissent worldwide. For instance, she censors ~1/2 the replies to Rouhani, helping him hide from dissent. Not to mention heavily censoring replies to Trump officials.
Are you as pro-Rouhani as she is?
Pursuant to Trump Official Executive National Order #90 ("Prisencolinensinainciusol"), 24Ahead continues to broadcast day because there's still some bile.
#MusicMonday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying #awright
.@CosimoPiovascod: FYI, @AshaRangappa_ got taken in by a fake spy supposedly in the Trump admin.
Imagine what would happen if she'd similarly got taken in by a fake spy while working for the FBI.
.@kristinromey: MAGA ♥ Trump's threat; that's culturally toxic. Trump's threat has to be shown wrong *to them* to hold both in check. Media clearly can't do that: they only whine in echo chambers.
So, you need to step up & urge the MSM to finally show Trump wrong *to his base*.
.@kristinromey: you blog against Trump's Iran cultural sites threat. Sane military leaders would prevent it; he's a paper tiger. But, at least it's a chance to blog, right?
As for actually doing something good, I'll describe how you can do that next.
.@OnlineDetective: Persian culture is 2000+ years old. Targeting their cultural sites is something everyone in Iran *and their diaspora* would hold against us for untold centuries.
It should be easy to force the Trump admin to admit that, but @jdawsey1 etc are too incompetent.
Here's yet another example of #Twitter #censorship: the guy I just replied to (dadofccx3) was (logged out) the 1st reply on this thread.
*Simply by replying to him* I sent him down to 43rd place on the thread.
.@dadofccx3: it's incredibly easy to show *Trump's base* - all that matters in this case - that targeting cultural sites would be extremely bad for the U.S.
Those like @jdawsey1 have proven they lack the smarts & life experience to figure out how to do that. They *help* Trump.
.@AndyRowell: now, @mchalfant16 blogs "Kellyanne Conway defends Trump threat to target Iranian cultural sites". Watching MSMers try to undercut KAC is pathetic.
It's *incredibly* easy to use Trump's threat to undercut him to MAGA, but Morgan & her pals just aren't smart enough.
.@billhandelshow: I don't care that Trump made over $3 mil last year on product placements. I don't care that $250k was from Church's Fried Chicken & $500k was from Coke. It keeps him from bigger grifts.
#MAGA #resist
Thanks, I'll try it!
#MAGA #resist
MT @RealDonaldTrump When it was time to paint the White House, I did a lot of research. I found that Sherwin-Williams TruCoat is the best long-lasting paint you can buy. If it's good enough for the White House, it's good enough for your house!
Thanks, I'll try it!
#MAGA #resist
MT @RealDonaldTrump I prefer German horseradish, but when Melania brought home a jar of Inglehoffer Cream Style Horseradish [TM] from WalMart, I was skeptical. I'm not now: this is the real deal! It clears your sinuses & rips your face off!
Pursuant to Trump Executive Order #502 ("Close broadcast day w heroic bagpipe & drum group illustrating my heroic efforts to vanquish Iran's Ayatollahs by destroying cultural sites, even w video having no bearing on that"):
#MusicSunday #MAGA #resist
Since Jack is a billionaire, he seems to be failing as a commie.
Prager's problems are his own doing: he encourages low-watts & refuses to stand with *all* those who are censored.
RT @KristenRowin Truth is scary to communists MT @prageru [Twitter etc ban our ads]
As the real, reproducible data at my pinned tweet shows, Twitter censors ~1/2 the replies to Rouhani & ~40% to Medvedev. Either many U.S. cons can tweet in Farsi or Russian, or you're wrong. Which is it?
RT @dawnegurl MT @PoliticalIntent [Twitter just censors "Conservatives"]
.@tjohnson419: Dilbert greatly helped make Trump acceptable to cons & his "12d chess" BS has helped excuse all the incredibly dim things Trump has done.
@smerconish had Dilbert on & just fluffed him rather than trying to show "12d chess" wrong. He failed at being a citizen.
.@TinaMcGugan: one of the main reason Trump gets away with it is because every dim thing he does is explained away as "12d chess". To undercut Trump, undercutting that is vital.
@smerconish had Mr. 12D Chess - Dilbert - on at least 2x & just (PMF) fluffed him. He failed his job.
Now, list all the changes the Trump admin has made in response:
Because of people like you, his fans think he's playing 12d chess. *People like you* caused the Trump problem & still can't show "12d" wrong.
MT @JomanaCNN [CNN got a duPont Award for their Khashoggi posts]
Even 3-year-olds should be able to figure out you can't hold Putin accountable.
If you really care, then encourage real, vigorous policy debates by asking those who are accountable (ie US pols) tough questions.
MT @3z0ooz [cheers a worthless one-man street protest against RU]
Almost all of the loudest *overt* opposition to Trump boils down to "I simply do not like the cut of that man's jib." The covert opposition is because - as incredibly fake as he is - has spoken out against anti-American NeoLiberal policies.
#MAGA #resist
.@bernybelvedere: I accurately described in Aug 2015 how Trump's grand plans would fail miserably. Using that against Trump would've made his candidacy an amusing footnote.
Obviously, @HeathMayo & all the other jib-cut-critics have no clue about undercutting/bettering Trump.
.@Teri_A_Adams: Trump's one of few pols against anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism). MAGA thus overlooks flaws. @HeathMayo can't grok that so is worthless at opposing Trump.
I've opposed him since Aug 2015 because he's fake on those policies.
If you don't understand how to play guitar or even why people like hearing guitar, should you be the one taking the solos?
Apply that to Trump & all the millions like you.
MT @lelalaylalola I [still, in Jan 2020] don’t understand how they see those things in Trump. Baffles me.
MT @HeathMayo [as a] Southern Baptist Evangelical [I oppose] Trump because he has poor character. His language/behavior are crass. He has assaulted women/bullied the disabled, & is an unapologetic adulterer. He doesn’t represent me or my faith. Our standards should be higher.
New campaign slogan: "I ✊💦 Amy Klobuchar".
#klobuchar #amyklobuchar
#MAGA #resist
"Senior US officials say there is widespread opposition within the Trump administration to targeting cultural sites in Iran".
Good to hear, I was thinking they're as nekulturnie as Trump is.
#MAGA #resist
.@JenKronstain: back in August, @AliWatkins tried to portray those who had concerns about Jeffrey Epstein's suicide/"suicide" as conspiracy theorists. Even 60 Minutes has done more real reporting on the case than her & the entire NYTimes.
#60Minutes is vlogging about the Jeffrey Epstein suicide/"suicide". Apparently he had access to an electrical cord but chose to "suicide" himself using fabric.
#MAGA #resist
Pursuant to Trump Official Executive Order #309134 ("Go to northwoods. Dance. Close broadcast day in an Umlaut way with Puhti - Ei meillä ole hätää"), 24Ahead does as ordered:
#MusicSaturday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@interpretaatioo: now, @NellieBowles blogs about #PragerU. Instead of engaging them in debate on various issues & showing them wrong, she smears them (thereby helping them).
She helped them so much, they even hyped her blog. They wouldn't do that if she were a real journalist.
Wonders: are all those complaining about Trump's Iran tweet as concerned about the part where he threatens to target cultural sites?
#MAGA #resist
MT @realDonaldTrump [we've] targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD [if we're hit]
.@Voix_Dissidente: #PragerU desperately needs someone to show them wrong about various things in a smart, sane, patriotic, big tent way. The @NellieBowles blog just engaged in the usual smears that only *help* those like Prager.
At the end of the day, she *helps* him.
SJWs are a menace, but so too are r/w'ers. You'd simply replace their poison with your own and - just to make money - reduce the U.S. to the very low level of red states.
MT @stillgray How about we stop letting leftists dictate what our kids learn?
Those like Memoli lack the patriotism to call candidates on the huge flaws in their policies, even though that'd greatly help the USA.
He's a bad joke on USA.
MT @TheOnlyShamma [don't other repliers get the joke?] MT @mikememoli [blogs a 'hello Springfield!' joke from Bernie]
I can't imagine any MAGA leaders criticizing an Obama meeting in backwoods Alabama because everyone there was black. I appreciate you being honest with your racism!
MT @mammoth76 [a small town in Iowa Bernie went to is] All white
.@futureherman: what's hilarious is only world leaders like Putin are smart enough to use Trump's personal flaws to their advantage. All those in public eye who claim to want to hold Trump accountable - eg @costareports - obviously completely fail at their jobs (as they admit).
.@Politic85042640: Trump would've lost by a wide margin if those like @natashakorecki had done their job & asked him tough questions about the huge flaws in his plans. Shame those like her into finally doing their job if you want things to change.
I can easily imagine a dim, deranged, unpatriotic MAGA saying the same thing about Obama. You're so alike.
MT @NoFreedomOfSpee if [hackers claiming Iran affiliation] could possibly make this as personal as [Trump] did and leave the rest of us alone, that would be fine
Bummer about that. I wish you & @BobBrigham could decide what America sees. Everything'd be OK then.
MT @Judeless77 45 said he was going to use Twitter to communicate with the people. That would go against the constitution. Sad but true. MT Maelli14 [Jack should suspend Trump]
.@ben_a_kite: what do you think of the @HRBlock TV ads? Last year's ads were racist, each one featuring blacks mocking whites. The one from this year I've seen is along the same line, with whites doing a dance for the amusement of POCs. Their ads are minstrel shows.
.@jaredstill @AmyTrask: I looked it up. Jerry Jones' "lick log" refers to a salt lick.
What doesn't make sense to me is kneeball. One weak play followed by 30s to 10m of... nothing. It's like a real football practice for very special players who need their every move scripted.
.@ScotPollard31: I don't know what you're whining about, ESPN must play 1000s of Ball-in-Hoop games a year. What they don't do is show winter baseball or real football (aka soccer).
I wouldn't even joke about that since DYAers are serious & strongly support censorship.
When are you going to call Ajit to his face on video on the huge flaws in his plans (& not just ones that cost Koch $)?
RT @nickgillespie [to @AjitPaiFCC "dad joke"] Delete your account.
.@knutsen_brett: reason #40310912 @NFL & kneeball in general are a joke: in real football (soccer), baseball, hockey, & basketball, you can't just run the clock out without playing.
.@my_chappie: kneeball (aka @NFL / NCCAFB) is a joke. Real football (aka soccer) doesn't have timeouts: the players have to keep playing & making up their own plays on the spot.
.@RahmanConnelly: many/most kneeball players are big fans of BLM, a group that's hostile to whites & that wants not only reparations but segregated councils.
Why are watching a "sport" where many/most players are hostile to you?
"Hiii...yah!" Trump screamed as he karate chopped a stack of cinder blocks to bits.
"Excuse me, sir, you wanted to see me, sir?"
"Yes, Mike. It's about my wolves. They're hungry."
What did Mike Pence do? The answer later.
#MAGA #resist
Now try doing that in real football, with constant action & players who have to think for themselves. Kneeball like NFL is a bad joke: 1 weak play then 30s to 10m while the politburo decides everyone's every move.
MT @mean__mark [slick] MT @thecheckdown [Brady did a fake out]
.@JulieRaimondi: on a serious note, almost 2 years ago, @jameshamblin snarked about Trump's cognitive test.
Based on reality, aren't childish things like snarking, smears, GIFs, etc completely ineffective against Trump?
Why can't your leaders - like Hamblin - change tactics?
Pursuant to Trump Official Executive Order #94 ("I am the State. Also, close broadcast day with David Bowie and Always Crashing in the Same Car") 24Ahead does as Leader strongly suggests:
#MusicFriday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
Your leaders have constantly lied about what Twitter does (they censor *all* kinds of users, see my pinned tweet). That marginalizes Twitter's opposition & makes their censorship much easier.
MT @9mmcassy [emojis] Twitter why did you Suspend SJPFISH [claims Trump RTed it]
.@anarchotaoist: @mozilla has had 20+ years to make a viable browser & they've failed miserably. Outright spyware has ~3x their marketshare.
They make up for their gross incompetence by being pro-censorship at a Honecker level.
Speaking about 70s UK music, here's Nerez with Naruby:
#MusicFriday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@RJ_McKenzie: look at their feed. @mozilla is very pro-censorship. Instead of concentrating on finally making a viable product, they try to quash dissent.
.@drvshara: 20+ years & untold millions of $ later, @Mozilla still can't make a viable browser: just look at their market share.
Not only that, they're totalitarians. They want Youtube to censor "harmful content". How do China/Russia/Saudi Arabia/etc define "harmful content"?
No one said being opposed to censorship was comfy or safe. Have the guts to be a real liberal.
MT @kayaeger1 [re Hill apparently not deleting allegedly bogus Biden vid] So they can edit videos of Biden and Trump can keep spewing lies and hate with no censorship
"No matter the cost, I intend to be an American hero!" Trump screamed as - ignoring the advice of his generals - he rushed across the Red Zone to tackle that Iranian guy & kill him with his bare hands.
#MusicFriday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@SMM_lumani: if I tried to sell you a comb it wouldn't work, right? @joelpollak isn't vulnerable to his audience over things you care about, only over things *they* care about. So, if you want to undercut him *to his audience*, point out to them that he's a big amnesty fan.
.@RowIngrf: obviously you don't get who @joelpollak is targeting with his "two scoops" tweet. Imagine the dimmest, most nekulturnie Germans possible. He's targeting yahoos. Here & there, they aren't the salt of the earth.
#TheResistance demands in one clear, righteous voice: "Trump, you war criminal, get on the convict train! Go Station To Station! Can you hear the train whistle, Trump?!?!"
#MusicFriday #MAGA #NowPlaying
Ironically, Pollak agrees with the Dems on our top domestic issue. As soon as Trump (openly) pushed amnesty, so too did Joel.
MT @WrigleyDoo MT @joelpollak 2020 Democrat Candidates Unhappy with 'Reckless' Strike Eliminating Soleimani
Indeed: that's why MoJo, RawStory, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, etc. have all banned me. I'm sure you'll oppose the last two doing that.
MT @EricGurr Censorship is always an admission that you do not have the ability to engage in the debate...
Be Bop Deluxe - Down On #MAGA Street:
#MusicFriday #resist #NowPlaying
The Economist is a Koch/Big Biz rag, so they downplay highly justifiable concerns about mass immigration. They're about helping billionaires at any cost.
MT @Tomo20309138 MT @TheEconomist [calls concerns about Chinese citizens in USA acting as spies a "new Red Scare"]
.@awrigh01: Twitter censors at a level that'd make China blush. See the real, reproducible data at my pinned tweet and help get the word out.
Roxy Music - Both Ends Burning:
#MusicFriday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying #Jeopardy
.@BarnasJoe: in 2018, @peterjhasson blogged re Twitter censoring @HumanCoalition ads. They're still complaining about that.
That means either HC is lying, or Hasson lacks the power to make Twitter listen.
Let's assume the 2nd. List some reasons why Hasson is ineffectual:
#Mozilla aka #Firefox is currently trying to get Youtube not to show "harmful content". When will Jesse try real reporting for once and ask them to list the downsides?
MT @Zambrijc [laughs] MT @jessesingal [non-funny joke about Youtube algorithm]
.@brandonmshow: in '18 you blogged re Twitter censoring @HumanCoalition ads. They're still complaining about that. Either they're lying or they/you aren't effective.
The smart, sincere way to oppose censorship - the only way that works - is *across the board*. Esp those you hate
Roxy Music - Mother of Pearl:
#MusicFriday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying #Jeopardy
.@leadershipfail: @GadSaad 's list is very corrupt GOP. He mixes cultural issues with two "money" issues: anti-global warming (thus helping corporate socialists who spread pollution costs on to everyone else) & pro-war (thus helping defense contractors/surveillance state).
A very corrupt GOP list.
MT @GadSaad 2019's most important scientific breakthroughs:
boys can menstruate
men can bear children
men can breastfeed
there are 873 genders
climate change causes everything
terrorism is caused by paleo-ketogenic biocultural socio- anatomical forces.
.@Vetpromise: you might want to review the history of the 1st Amendment before cheering @KrisGoldsmith85. He wants to quash dissent (impersonation isn't) rather than acting as the founders intended and engaging opponents in debate.
.@hakosam: FYI, @CraigSilverman knows all about the data at my pinned tweet showing how heavily Twitter censors replies from liberals to Trump officials, from dissidents to Rouhani, etc. Yet, he refuses to call them on it even tho the data is easily reproducible.
.@frsimon: @donie is a lil' Honecker. He wants authorities to silence fake accounts. If he had the power, he'd censor just as bad as the DDR/USSR/modern-day China/etc.
I think you need to spend some time contemplating the differences between liberal & totalitarian.
MT @imprisonTrump45 [if a Dem wins, they'll first come for spreaders of Minecraft disinfo...] MT @CraigSilverman [supports Google blocking sites from being featured for spreading... Minecraft disinfo]
.@kevincollier: I'll pay you $250/video to go to nat'l campaign events & ask my tough policy questions on video for Youtube. You'll make some $, but more importantly you'll do a huge public service (one that CNN refuses to do).
Contact ifwdus at the yahoo.
.@fmandt: most Americans know those like @JaneLytv lie (mostly by omission), pick their targets, etc. Most know those like her despise them.
Instead of solving that, she blogs "fact checks" that only convince the convinced, just to get clicks.
And you don't demand better.
From a couple days ago, here are Your Arsenal v. Manchester United highlights:
#football = #soccer
#MAGA #resist
.@americanempire: list all @DavidCornDC 's victories against Trump:
Trick question. He hasn't had any because MoJo pushes anti-American Koch policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism) that most oppose. Corn & MoJo are very pro-Big Biz at workers' expense.
.@green4don: nothing @Matt_D_Cohen whines about Trump will have any impact until he addresses the 500 ton elephant in the room: he pushes anti-American NeoLiberal policies (free trade/globalism/loose borders) that most Americans rightly oppose. He's very pro-Big Biz.
Most NeoCons tend to be NeoLiberals (loose borders/free trade/globalism). The 2nd is where they're actually weak. Cohen is too corrupt to exploit their actual vulnerability.
MT @LauraBeeden MT @Matt_D_Cohen [re Iran, blogs list of Iraq "war hawks" he says shouldn't be trusted]
A very carefully-worded question (like those I craft) would really undercut Trump. Ali - as reality shows - can't do that.
MT @HubleyScarlett MT @WajahatAli [thumps chest re] those thumping their chest.. ask Trump to confront MBS over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi [itd]
You aren't smart enough to figure out Trump's huge vulnerabilities to his base, those like you instead just help him with your tantrums & distractions.
MT @WajahatAli The rest of us will hold [Trump] accountable for all his domestic and foreign blunders
.@ModernFam: I haven't watched any of the live versions of #ModernFamily, just the replays. I have to admit I'm shocked at how the kids have grown, especially Lilly. Did they age naturally or did you use HGH and microwaves?
None of the dips on #Jeopardy have heard of Roxy Music.
#RoxyMusic #NowPlaying
.@BobbieDooley: if you aren't following @VP, you're missing out! What I've learned so far is that Iranian guy that Trump killed with his bare hands *personally* planned & executed 911. Also, anyone who disagrees is a commie, a librul, and an America-hating traitor!