Tweets to RM1

RM1's avatar
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Detroit born and bred... passed the Foreign Service Officer Test but need a legitimate president to serve. I eat racists, crooks, and cheats for breakfast.
Tweets to this user:
VDARE's avatar
From @vdare
Real life countries in which a wall is effective at holding back a threat: - Israel - Hungary - Bulgaria - Greece…
RM1's avatar
From @rnmay
@vdare @AnnCoulter Just because something destined to fail hasn’t failed yet doesn’t make it effective.
louise smith's avatar
From @GrammaYayam164
@vdare Think about it. If the Berlin Wall was not effective at keeping people from crossing a border, why did they have to tear it down?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
They have to be paid off by McDonald's, Soros, & U.S. Chamber. MT @vdare Real life countries in which a wall is effective at holding back a threat: - Israel - Hungary - Bulgaria - Greece - Saudi Arabia
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rnmay: just as Congress won't fund Trump's "wall" now, they won't fund its upkeep when he's out of office. Jackie Speier has already said they'll just tear it down. Point out to @vdare fans that they & Trump are selling vaporware or the Springfield monorail.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#MAGA!! MT @GrammaYayam164 Think about it. If the Berlin Wall was not effective at keeping people from crossing a border, why did they have to tear it down?