.@jakebonfante: if @EthanBearman were smart, honest & patriotic, he'd mention the main cause of CA problems: anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism). Both Dems & GOP strongly support those. Murdoch even testified for amnesty. Did Ethan mention that?
Those who turn their backs on CA are unpatriotic; EB is too useless to call TC on that.
Most CA problems are due to anti-American NeoLiberal policies both Ethan and Murdoch support.
MT @BDOH MT @EthanBearman [I'm the designated liberal stooge while Tucker smears California]
.@BadJohnBrown: it's great to see a warmonger who pushed the Iraq War like @MaxBoot sticking up for the military against Trump's supposed comments.
Imagine a smart Trump proxy. (Smarter than Boot, so set your sights low). Could Boot hold his own in a debate with them?
.@austinruse: as the author of "The Catholic case for Trump", is Trump's ban the smartest way you can think of to keep terrorists out of the USA?
Hint: many ISIS embeds would come from W EU.
Imagine me really pressing you & other Trump superfans on that on video for Youtube.
Rampell illustrates yet again that those like her are only good at helping Trump.
Trump & his proxies no doubt have anti-FCPA arguments. She lacks the will & ability to engage them & show them wrong.
MT @mariootsa MT @crampell [Trump's opposition to FCPA is just self-interest]
And, @maggieNYT has always been there to help Trump.
It's always been incredibly easy to show *his base* that his plans are vaporware. Haberman lacks that smart & patriotism to do that.
Enabling her = helping Trump.
MT @fetchmesomecopy [Trump's trying to avoid real issues]
.@lauferlaw: FYI, @AshaRangappa_ got taken in by a fake Trump admin mole. He was actually a Trump fan who tricked her.
Imagine what would happen if she'd similarly got taken in by a fake mole while working for the FBI.
Trump's released various official plans over the years. I've accurately described how they'd fail. As you show, your leaders didn't.
RT @Notonesecond Further proof that [Trump] has never had an official platform or agenda. His only concern is votes and green in his pocket
.@MrMokelly: *never* trust fiscal cons. By definition they're venal. @thethomasguide wants to lower taxes & regulations to help the wealthy. He'd enrich those whose anti-American NeoLiberal policies (greed is good/loose borders/free trade/globalism) have led to mass homelessness.
.@gopaulblair: hey Paul, did Trump's response to Puerto Rico result in an exodus of Dem voters from PR to FL? That's a simple yes/no question. Imagine someone asked you it on video for Youtube. what would you answer?
MT @gopaulblair [Trump] was misled [re vape ban & those] he should have trusted to fully brief him neglected to include all relevant information. In fact they probably purposefully omitted some information that may have impacted his decision making. They are absolutely to blame
#CNN BREAKING NEWS: #CRampell is still wearing fake eyelashes, like she's on her way to a bu**a*e shoot.
#MAGA #resist
"That's right, Tucker, there's no physical reason why rats can't be 8' high. It's just the breeding. Their brains will be much larger so they'll be really smart. But, we'll put collars on them to make sure they don't take over. Who on earth will dare defy me then?"
#MAGA #resist
Pursuant to Trump Official Executive Order #90342 ("I had to sit through a Mike Bloomberg ad, just to see Rammstein with Du Hast? OK, that's it I'm closing the broadcast day & shutting down the internet"):
#MusicThursday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@poli_sil_: everything @williams_paige says about Trump reflects very badly on her. Trump's a buffoon with joke ideas. Those like Paige Williams lack the smarts & life experience to undercut someone as low as Trump.
Enabling them is helping Trump.
.@SoCalVillaGuy: your team keeps talking about how the other team is horrible. Your team is 0-47 against the other team. Isn't your team worse than horrible?
Likewise, everything @brianstelter says about Trump sticks to him: Trump's X? Then Stelter isn't smart enough to stop X.
.@CharlesDignam: all the candidates are extremely pro-Big Biz (their bluster aside). If @jmartNYT were a real journalist he'd call them on it. Instead, he just blogs worthless soap opera in order to distract people from what really matters.
Those like Sydney Ember are one of the main reasons Trump won. He proposed obviously unworkable plans & those like her never called him on it.
Instead, Sydney etc obsessed over trivia.
MT @Vox_Democracy [chides @melbournecoal for obsessing about Bernie/Lizzie schoolyard spat]
Tidy is what you people fought against in WWII (& we had to save you): a totalitarian who wants to quash dissent.
Those who use "islamophobe" are either the far-left, or any critic (80%) of SJWs like Joe
MT @SunnySkyes53 MT @joetidy [blogs Twitter lets ads target "hate groups"]
This is all about $ ("far right" = brexit = costing billionaires money) & power (SJWs want to forbid dissent).
MT @anomalyuk [points out such phrases get opponents] MT @BBCdandamon [hypes BBC Honecker-level blog trying to restrict ad target phrases]
"Thanks, Ainsley! And, yes, that's correct. Me, Mick, Rick Perry (he's still around), and Rudy will broadcast our version of Quadrophenia in primetime next week. I'm playing Bellboy".
#MusicThursday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@BonettiESPN: I was able to create an #ESPN account but they wouldn't let me pay for #ESPNPlus, apparently because I'm on #Linux. Of course, what do you expect from a company that hides the world's most famous athlete away on a channel few bother to sign up for.
.@TaylorTwellman: I gave in & decided to tithe to Disney over #ESPNPlus. They wouldn't accept my $5, twice. Their chat thinks it's because I'm on Linux. Disney has *two* platform requirements, one says Linux is supported, the other says it isn't. What a pathetic company.
1. You have to feel sorry for Priscilla having a panic attack during #Jeopardy.
2. What J calls "misunderstanding schizophrenia" we call artistic license.
3. We aren't huge Who fans , but Quadrophenia is a classic. Fie on them all for not getting it.
4. Get off my lawn.
"Yes! We've finally got Trump!", #TheResistance shouted in unison before going back to their echo chambers.
Yes, that's the 24Ahead Closing Argument.
#MusicWednesday #MAGA #NowPlaying
"Putin and Assad caught on video mocking Trump".
In other news, Putin is the latest #TheResistance leader, now that Avenatti has been arrested again. The mail fraud charge - which some might ignore - is the kicker. Smart criminals know to avoid USPS.
#MAGA #resist
What's ironic is... he won. He won because of how those like Parker do things. He'll win again *because of* them. They're completely unfit to hold Trump accountable, as reality shows.
MT @Sassy_Miss_T Color me shocked. MT @AshleyRParker [new Trump book claims he's "erratic"]
.@Bencjacobs: hey Ben, @daveweigel lied about me on his blog. Then he refused to approve a comment were I detailed how he lied.
Real journalists give those they write about a right of reply. Weigel isn't a real journalist.
.@meganmckinley23: now, @bkamisar blogs about... something on Steyer's hand. Compare my latest post with questions about his ideas. That's the grown-up way to hold politicians accountable.
It's time to put away childish things & that means not enabling those like Ben Kamisar.
.@mrv1921: you claim to have known Bernie since the sixties & call him a "freeloader". Challenging him on ***policy*** (not personal junk) would deflate him, yet your leaders (Breitbart/Fox/etc) never even try that, thereby helping him. Are you getting after them or not?
.@HannahRKeyser: why does ESPN play ~100 Ball in Hoop games per day? When will you ask them why they won't cut the easy, cheap deal to get Caribbean baseball or foreign, offbrand real football (aka soccer)? Why isn't Yahoo doing the same? They've got the bandwidth.
In 2015 I accurately detailed how Trump's selling points - the reason he got votes - would fail miserably. Those like Annie distracted with dreck instead, *helping* Trump win.
MT @cadetinpanama [I don't care] MT @AnnieLinskey [sub-tabloid post-debate spat btw Bernie & Lizzie]
"Correct, Ainsley. 'Bone spurs' are just a cover for my four top-secret tours of 'Nam with The Company. I won every medal we have. I spent six months impersonating a Cong general & that helped win the war."
#MusicWednesday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
Trump's a dim preschool bully. Despite that, those like Rebecca have *never* failed to do anything other than just help him.
MT @mumblyjoe Trump doesn't believe in international law MT [WaPo hypes @becingber blog that Trump might've killed the Iranian terrorist illegally]
.@PamelaBookman: now, @becingber blogs Trump might've killed that Iranian terrorist illegally. Those like her are socially autistic in a way: they're only used to their bubble & thus completely unfit to oppose Trump (a bad boy who plays by his own rules).
How am I wrong?
With all due respect, there's lots you & @jgeltzer don't understand & little you do. You don't grok Trump's appeal & huge vulnerabilities. Don't let that stop you from opining.
MT @Out5p0ken I don't understand how anyone can watch maddow and not remove and indict trump [etc] NOW
Here's John Wayne playing Genghis Khan. This - together with The Green Berets - form the grist in the mill of an upcoming *hilarious* tweet about Trump. Watch for it!
#MAGA #resist
Austin: after Trump's reelected, I'll use your tweet to discredit you to your audience.
MT @AREvers [of WeAreOversight] I don’t understand how anyone can watch Maddow interview with Lev Parnas & fail to conclude Trump should plead guilty in exchange for a lighter punishment
#NFL put Ray Lewis - implicated in a double murder - in their Hall of Fame.
Your guy is lucky to be excluded from Murderer's Row.
MT @KyleKing13 [that guy is a victim of what time zone he played in] MT @MaseDenver [put some guy in the #NFL100 Hall of Fame]
.@Patwtweets @therealNFLguru: kneeball is culturally toxic. Pete Rose is out of MLB Hall for betting on his own team, #NFL100 put someone implicated in a *double murder* in their Hall.
It's also a joke of a sport: 30s to 10m between each lame play, players who aren't athletes...
.@CreacyChris: maybe you should stick with real football.
Worst crimes by real football players are tax evasion.
Worst crimes by kneeball players are murder (Aaron Hernandez, Ray Lewis, O.J...)
Pursuant to Trump Official Executive Order #4633112 ("Close broadcast day by defying Twitter language Polizei by playing Aiumeen basoa - Akelarrearen sua"), 24Ahead does as ordered:
#MusicTuesday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@jewelstweeeets: Twitter apparently paying U.S. astronauts to put on a show at their confab isn't great, esp given that @vijaya heavily censors millions around the world. It's not just cons: she censors about half the replies to Rouhani. She helps him & others hide from dissent.
.@realdarkromance: @nedsegal ghosts & thus lies to millions worldwide. All non-verified accounts need to worry. Eventually the media is going to cover the real, easily reproducible data at my pinned tweet.
When 95% of Twitter users are worried about censorship, whither $TWTR?
In your case it certainly pays to lie. You lie to millions around the world by ghosting their replies. You help Rouhani, Medvedev, etc hide from dissent.
When that comes out, good luck.
MT @nedsegal Doesn’t pay to cheat. Great teaching moment [Astros fire Hinch...]
.@Parax: nowadays, @Astro_TJ appears to have been a paid speaker or similar at a Twitter confab.
Twitter heavily censors dissent around the world. They censor ~1/2 the replies to Rouhani; see my pinned tweet for reproducible data about dozens more.
Ask TJ to oppose that.
.@Astro_TJ: your #Twitter pals censored this @JBadass408 tweet re Astro_Jessica. They also heavily censor replies to Rouhani & many more (see the reproducible data at my pinned tweet).
Do you support or oppose that?
#Jeopardy is disappointing. Not only did I lose a lot of points with my bookie by betting on #TeamBrad, but Jennings is a dip on policy.
.@tedward23: hey Ted, way back in 2015 I accurately described how Trump's signature issues would fail miserably. Without those issues there'd be little reason to vote for him.
@joshtpm *helped* Trump by ignoring that. Now he obsesses over other things that will just help Trump.
"Joe Biden says he'd consider Kamala Harris ‘for anything’ she wants, including VP".
With Biden, you get Kamala. On behalf of America, we pass.
#MAGA #resist
News to me: #CampDavid is tiny, just 200 sq acres/.3125 sq miles.
Griffith Park is 4300 sq acres.
Visitors/workers probably get a kick out of seeing a wimpy priss like Trump deal with bugs, dirt, no street lights, animal noises, etc.
#MAGA #resist
.@JordStan999: the much bigger issue is how incredibly weak (perhaps intentionally) @brianneDMR questions are. E.g., she asked Steyer a weak question about his past investments which he turned into a tale of redemption.
He couldn't get better questions if he paid for them.
You know the answer: no. He doesn't have to care, because Walsh isn't going after Trump where he's most vulnerable.
If an outfield is worst in MLB & their opponents just bunt, what do we call that?
MT @reedgalen Does Trump hear @WalshFreedom's footsteps?
Much more importantly, Trump ♥ those like Jeet: they helped him win.
Back in 2015 I accurately detailed how Trump's signature issues would fail. Pointing that out would've stopped Trump. Jeet didn't do it.
MT @brendan2026 MT@HeerJeet [cheap snark about loving Bloomberg now]
"That's right, Ainsley, I just wear a fat suit to get #TheResistance to smear me to help me with most Americans..."
As Trump finish interview, 24Ahead close broadcast day!
Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand:
#MusicMonday #MAGA #NowPlaying
.@TomWFerguson2: the MSM colludes w/ pols to ignore real debate about real issues.
In @PeterHamby case, he smears "low info voters". One thing I knew in 2015 & Trump voters still don't know is how the "wall" will fail miserably.
When has Hamby reached out to them about that?
.@luckie_jenny: mini-bravo for realizing @jonfavs just preaches to the choir.
But, if you want to finally undercut Trump you'll need someone much smarter. Eg, someone who's smart enough to explain to MAGA how Trump's grand plans will fail miserably. That isn't Jon.
That's how to do it: double down & racialize everything. That's the smart person's way to undercut Trump to his base!
MT @DonSmrock Low information white voters [to @jonfavs smearing "low information voters"]
.@shaltsch: imagine someone only hilited things the target audience doesn't care about. Like selling fridges to Eskimos based on keeping food cold. How long would they last as a marketer?
@jonfavs only ever makes arguments against Trump that have no impact. Why enable him?
R/w blames Soros just as you blame Koch. You & they aren't ultimately that different.
MT @DanaGoldstein [NYT blog re states pushing non-approved POVs] MT @Cruellaisdevine The reason(s) for this are the Koch bros & RW decades long systemic attack on public ed [ALEC, etc etc]
Dana blogs "Critical language about nonwhite cultural movements also appears in a Texas book..."
That almost makes it sound like N.C.M.s cannot be criticized, doesn't it?
MT @Stiffelman [I did this 25 years ago] MT @DanaGoldstein [hypes her state textbook blog]
"Yes, that's right, Tucker, I have a secret garden. It's where I escape when the world gets too much!" With that interview in your mind, 24Ahead plays Cécile Corbel - Jardin secret:
#MusicMonday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@merlisa on a wider note, review what impact @jonathanchait has had on Trump. Has any of his clickbait had any impact on Trump whatsoever?
Work your way through this description of how to finally undercut Trump:
.@JenniferHPhD: Trump played kneeball (& some real football aka soccer) in prep school. It seems odd that Trump - after playing kneeball - would show no interest once in college as @jonathanchait claims. I still kick things real football-style years later. Odd claim, no?
"I'm going to nuke him! I'm going to nuke him good! John Barleycorn must die!" Trump screamed at the crowd at the Tallahassee County Fair, as 24Ahead played Martin Carthy:
#MusicMonday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
I'm recruiting people to ask *all* pols *tough* questions about *policy*. That'll force better pols (& reporters). I'll also pay. Do I need to report to FEC?
MT @adambonin MT @IsaacDovere [upset not over BLM interrupts but due to a non-approved source daring to question PeteB]
BLM - a pro-segregation group - interrupting & smearing (rather than engaging in debate) is a bad thing. Miller is far worse: she thinks only approved sources should have access to politicians.
MT @Normie_Democrat @katherinemiller [BLM interrupts Mayor Pete events]
Led Zeppelin - Hots on for Nowhere (sounds a lot better per moi than the "reference mix" also on YT):
#MusicMonday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
Ryan is just doing the "good evening Cleveland" variant of hiding behind the badge.
MT @casey68564026 [agrees] MT @RyanAFournier Thank you to all of the law enforcement, including the Secret Service for protecting Trump and FLOTUS at #NationalChampionship. They are amazing!
I've already detailed repeatedly where Trump is truly vulnerable *to his base*. Start at the last page & work forwa…
1. Realize everything #TheResistance has done has failed miserably & change tactics.
2. Find *smart, experienced* people to represent you.
3. Engage opponents in debate using things Trump's base/neutrals/weak opponents care about, not just what you care about.
4. Win.
The next thing to understand is where Trump is vulnerable *to his base*.
Take a few minutes now & think about all…
What's Trump going to do without a set of intermediaries to sell his message? He'll be isolated & his power will be…
If the *smart, experienced* person you chose to represent you doesn't have access to Trump, then go after Trump's i…
If the *smart, experienced* person you choose to represent you concentrates on *where Trump is vulnerable to his ba…
Many politicians and the like are lawyers. Those who aren't know their techniques. They're skilled at speechifying,…
All that said, two of the ways to undercut Trump are by undercutting him directly, or undercutting his proxies.
That means - as unnatural to them as it is - #TheResistance will need to learn to make valid arguments & defend the…
.@jorcubsdan: @_Collin1 is paid to hype a sport that causes huge damage to 100s of players per year, & he's worried about a teen getting hit by a ball?
Kneeball is a joke sport too: non-athlete/non-thinking players who are hostile to their audience, constant delays, etc.
After identifying where Trump is vulnerable *to his base/neutrals/weak opponents*, the next thing #TheResistance wi…
This can't be stressed enough since #TheResistance still hasn't caught on 4+ years later: opposing Trump in ways th…
If you want to respond to Trump in effective ways - not just therapy for you like throwing a tantrum or in other se…
When Trump bullies, the goal should be to use it if possible to undercut him.
That sounds incredibly basic, but…
The first rule of replying to Trump's bullying isn't to respond in kind.
If he calls you a name & you respond by c…
Trump's a preschool-quality bully. I'll explain how you deal with his behavior.
You can't challenge Trump to a fig…
.@NoomCoach: are the gals in your ads the before or the after? Either works.
Brian Stelter, CNN: "Mr. Trump, do you have a match?"
Trump: "Yeah, your face & my ass!"
Stelter: "Waaaaahhhhh!!!!"
Maggie Haberman, New York Times: "That's mean, Mr. Trump!"
Trump: "I am rubber, you are glue. Everything you say bounces off me & sticks to you!"
#MAGA #resist
Pursuant to Trump Official Executive Order #21341 ("Close broadcast day with jaunty Lithuanian music with the flutes and the singing and such"), 24Ahead does as ordered:
#MusicSunday #MAGA #resist #NowPlaying
.@TMatthews122 @perfectrose2011: FYI, Twitter heavily censors replies to Rouhani, Ajit Pai, Mike Trout, Target, Medvedev, etc. etc. See the real, reproducible data at my pinned tweet.
I haven't been able to find a reporter to cover that, why don't you try.
.@lukekellytravel: @HRBlock ads aren't just "irritating", they're as racist as orange crates from the 1920s or Birth of a Nation. They've just reversed the races: now blacks mock whites dancing, walking into walls, & in general acting the buffoon.
They don't want white customers
I just heard from Trump's people: it's "betes noirs" or, to be more precisement, "bêtes noirs".
#French #OldFrench #AltFrench #ShadeTreesAlongChampsDElysee #MAGA #resist
.@GovernAmerica: instead of just posturing against Youtube censorship, do something. That means opposing it *across the board*. Anything else helps them. That also means doing it in smart ways (by *just* opposing censorship, not bringing in other bete noirs).
.@CEValade: @mpukita either thinks Twitter only censors cons (completely false; they censor everyone from Medvedev/Rouhani opponents to Target customers & Mike Trout fans), or he only opposes censorship of those who agree with him (which doesn't count).
.@RepDanCrenshaw @JimericanTweets: Twitter censors about 1/2 the replies to Rouhani. See the real, reproducible data linked from my pinned tweet.
"Pompeo Plans Dinner With Tech Leaders Including Oracle's Ellison".
Larry "Lawrence" Ellison is one of the few billionaires who might be competent at being president. Yes, he'd turn the White House into a dojo, but at least he'd be able to figure things out.
#MAGA #resist
Steyer's anti-American policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism) have *led* to hungry kids that, to assuage guilt & posture, he now papers over. Plus, growers are incredibly corrupt.
MT @kalicayo MT @TomSteyer [pushes school lunch pgm openly designed to help growers]
See "The News We Kept To Ourselves" (April 11, 2003) by ex-CNN exec Eason Jordan in which he admits that #CNN went easy on Saddam Hussein in exchange for access.
#MAGA #resist #FakeNews
CNN never asks tough questions. In fact, they even went easy on Saddam!
I'm recruiting people to ask Steyer actually *tough* questions. He'll wilt.
MT @Rhlovepolitics [re either TomSteyer or @PatriceSnow] Great [CNN] interview..You answered many tough questions perfectly!!!!
.@LizHabib: good luck. As for me, I don't have anyone in the Super Bowl because - like millions of others - I tuned out kneeball years ago (well before Trump's childish tirades).
Fox needs to show more real football.
.@gainesm: in the 80s, the elites fully bought in to anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism). Those policies caused the problems @albertorlammers complains about. #TomSteyer strongly supports those anti-American policies. Ask them about it.