janice hahn

janice hahn: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

GOP politician's ad: non-Jewish white people "should stick together" (Dan Adler, Debra Bowen, Janice Hahn) - 05/12/11

The video below is a shocking new ad from a GOP politician in which an actress says "we in the majority - non-Jewish white people - should stick together". That's followed by the Republican politician chuckling in agreement. In fact, the politician even announces at the end that he strongly approves of the message, and the ad is entitled "Stick Together". This shocking new ad - reminiscent of ads put on by Strom Thurmond decades ago - has been condemned by nearly the entire establishment. Gotcha!

Janice Hahn just makes things up about Arizona immigration law (L.A. boycott) - 05/12/10

Earlier today, the Los Angeles City Council showed their far-left, corrupt seekers of race-based power side (link): The Los Angeles City Council, protesting Arizonaโ€™s crackdown on illegal immigration, on Wednesday voted to ban most city travel to Arizona and future contracts with companies in that state... During a morning-long debate on the resolution, council members compared Arizonaโ€™s action to Nazi Germany and the beginning of the Holocaust, as well as the internment and deportation of Japanese Americans during World War II. A new Arizona law, which will take effect July 23, will require...

Sam Aanestad for California Lt. Governor? (against Maldonado, Newsom, Hahn) - 03/15/10

Someone I've never heard of before and know little about - California state senator Sam Aanestad - might be the best choice (so far) for Lt. Governor. Based only on a quick glance, his immigration position seems acceptable [1], but the much more important factor is who else is vying for the job: * Fellow Republican Abel Maldonado is his opponent in the primary. Maldonado is who Arnold Schwarzenegger wants for current Lt. Gov., which pretty much disqualifies him from consideration. * One of the Democrats in the running is Los Angeles City councilwoman Janice Hahn. Back in 2004 she responded to...

The Wit And Wisdom of Illegal Immigration Marchers - 05/01/07

No, the pages aren't blank, but something else is. In all these reports, the listed quotes and all the rest are presented completely unopposed. No one is around to point out to them some extremely basic facts: a) they weren't kidnapped and brought here against their will, b) they're already citizens, just not of this country, c) they're welcome to leave at any time, and d) U.S. citizenship is a privilege, not a right. * "Us not being in school is showing the government they're going to lose money if they send us all back to Mexico." [1] * "They should help them get their papers, they're out...

"Old, and rude, habits die hard for L.A. City Council" - 01/05/05

From this: It was the Los Angeles City Council's first day back in session since an appellate court chastised it for failing to pay attention to the public during its meetings. But so far, it didn't look like a whole lot had changed. As they discussed tsunami relief and rewards for crime victims, council members Tuesday continued their practice of walking around, using cell phones and talking to aides while they carried out the public's business... "It was like the first day back to school after Christmas break." [Janice Hahn said.] ...Indeed, as Councilman Tom LaBonge was asking the city's...

L.A. City Council: Stop "multitasking", start paying attention - 12/31/04

From this: A three-judge panel ruled Thursday that the Los Angeles City Council must hold a new hearing on a controversial strip club because its members were too busy eating, talking on the telephone or doing other activities to listen to the public's testimony... ...Neighborhood activists from across the city have long complained that council members -- as well as the county Board of Supervisors -- show a lack of respect to them at their meetings. The issue surfaced repeatedly in 2002, when community leaders in the Harbor Area, Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley tried to break away and...

Illegal alien drop house busted in Watts - 04/23/04

The LAPD and the BICE busted a drop house in Watts in which over 110 illegal aliens were held captive. The house is 1100 square feet, and the doors were chained shut while the smugglers demanded more money. 88 of the aliens are now in BICE custody awaiting deportation. The smugglers escaped, and the aliens are out thousands of dollars. While we can occasionally bust drop houses, the more intelligent way to reduce the number of such incidents is to make it unprofitable to hire illegal aliens. The backstory is the most interesting part of this: Local law enforcement officials say the only thing...

L.A.: Biggest laughingstock in the U.S. - 02/21/03

According to this: Elected leaders of the nation's second-largest city on Friday approved a resolution opposing a unilateral war against Iraq and urging the Bush administration to exhaust all diplomatic options before committing military forces... "I hope people understand we're not a bunch of crazy politicians trying to dictate federal policy," said Councilman Ed Reyes, who voted for the resolution. "We are echoing the sentiments of people who are hurting. Where do we begin to matter in the priority of our federal dollars?..." It also said the billions of dollars that would be spent on war...

Pearl Harbor? What was that? - 11/12/02

Janice Hahn concluded that showing Tora! Tora! Tora! on Pearl Harbor Day at a San Pedro Theater "would have been insensitive to the Japanese-American community". Reductio ad absurdum and discussing the rewriting of history is left as an exercise, as is writing a letter to Janice letting her know how you feel. Janice's contact info is availble here. Her email address is hahn @ council.lacity.org (remove the spaces around the @ sign). Contact info for George Nakano is here. His email is Assemblymember.Nakano @ assembly.ca.gov (remove those spacess too). UPDATE: Here's the email I sent. Can you...