L.A. City Council: Stop "multitasking", start paying attention

From this:

A three-judge panel ruled Thursday that the Los Angeles City Council must hold a new hearing on a controversial strip club because its members were too busy eating, talking on the telephone or doing other activities to listen to the public's testimony...

...Neighborhood activists from across the city have long complained that council members -- as well as the county Board of Supervisors -- show a lack of respect to them at their meetings. The issue surfaced repeatedly in 2002, when community leaders in the Harbor Area, Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley tried to break away and form their own cities...

...A spokeswoman for City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo said the city is studying the decision. But Councilman Dennis Zine defended his colleagues, saying their jobs require that they sign documents, read reports and hold other conversations even while meetings are taking place.

"We're basically multi-tasking," he said. "Good, bad or indifferent, that's unfortunately what's required to keep pace with the activities taking place in the council."

Councilwoman Janice Hahn struck a more conciliatory note, saying she and other council members should try harder to give the public their undivided attention. Still, she argued that she listens even while she talks privately with a colleague.

"I can only speak for myself, but if I'm eating, I certainly am listening," she added...

...Diamond said the council's behavior gives the public the impression that council meetings are "fixed," with all of its decisions being arranged in advance. The real business, he argued, is conducted behind the scenes with lobbyists and political allies...


Tone-deaf? I don't get it. I was told there would be no singing and no bathing suit competition in the mayor's race.