north carolina

north carolina: Page 1

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Donald Trump's first Congressional endorsement: pro-amnesty Renee Ellmers - 06/04/16

Donald Trump has issued his first Congressional endorsement: to Renee Ellmers of North Carolina. The Trump robocall endorsing her - from Ellmer's Youtube channel - is below. Ellmers is a supporter of what Trump supporters would call "amnesty". From a 2014 Ellmers OpEd [1]:

Tea Party Patriots admit immigration "isn't an issue for us" (Mark Meckler) - 07/12/11

One of my major complaints about the Tea Party is that they're ignoring immigration to concentrate on issues that are much less popular, much less important, and much less vital. See all the examples in the posts on the tea parties page, and the leader of a major Teaparty group has now explicitly confirmed that his group isn't really all that concerned about an issue that's more important than spending.

Rep. Bob Etheridge grabs arm of College Republican asking dumb question (Breitbart) - 06/14/10

The video at shows a college student - presumably a College Republican - trying to engage Rep. Bob Etheridge (Democrat of North Carolina) in conversation on a Washington DC sidewalk. Rather than pausing to speak to him, Etheridge grabs his arm and then puts him in a horse collar, repeatedly asking, "who are you?" The video is currently linked by Drudge, and Glenn Reynolds [1] and Andrew Breitbart [2] [3] [4] among others are currently promoting it. Whether Breitbart was involved in making the video isn't clear, but it's in the Youtube account belonging to his associate...

2009 immigration marches get tea party-level turnout (actually even less) - 05/01/09

The 2009 marches in support of illegal immigration are getting a turn-out roughly equivalent to that of the tea parties or less. For the high side of figures, turn to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement at

Regional White House Forums on Health Care Reform visiting California, Iowa, MI, NC, VT; ask questions - 03/06/09

Later this month and in April, the Barack Obama administration will be conducting "Regional White House Forums on Health Care Reform" in California, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina and Vermont [1]: In keeping with the Obama administration’s commitment to a transparent, accountable government, the forums will be an opportunity for Americans from all over the country to voice their concerns and ideas about reforming our health care system... They will be open conversations with everyday Americans, local, state and federal elected officials – both Democrat and Republican -- and senior Obama...

Independent Task Force on Immigration - 01/15/07

A group convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which published "Immigration and America's Future:A New Chapter" ( link) in [[September, 2006]]. Supports a "new, secure Social Security card" (possibly a national ID card) and "path to legal status for unauthorized immigrants" (a massive amnesty for illegal aliens). As of creation time, this is the list of those involved:

Durham illegal aliens victims of black on Hispanic robberies; Wells Fargo? - 01/08/07

The article "Nearly half of robbery victims in Durham [North Carolina] are Hispanic" ( says that others say that Hispanics are a lucrative, vulnerable and growing target for armed robbers. Of course, they aren't really refering to "Hispanics" in general, but to illegal aliens, many of whom don't have bank accounts and carry large amounts of cash with them. And: An assistant Durham County district attorney supports their assertion, saying armed robbery of Hispanics here is chiefly a black-on-Hispanic crime.

Fraud alleged in St. Louis voter sign up - 10/12/06

Associated Press/Jeff Douglas/[[October 12, 2006]]/ link Election officials say hundreds of potentially bogus registration cards, including ones for dead and underage people, were submitted by a branch of a national group that has been criticized in the past for similar offenses.

Speakers provide immigration bill information (Fayetteville NC) - 10/07/06

"Speakers provide immigration bill information"/Venita Jenkins/ link Representatives from Hispanic organizations in Chicago came to Robeson County (Fayetteville, North Carolina) on Wednesday (August 10) to educate people about proposed immigration legislation. ...Arturo Carrillo, a member of the [[Southeast Chicago Coalition for Immigration Rights]], said many Hispanics aren't aware of the implications proposed federal legislation would have on their community...