Tweets to John Stoehr's Editorial Board

John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
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John Stoehr's Editorial Board
New Haven
Editorial Board, a newsletter about politics in plain English for normal people. (Subscribe!) Contributing writer, @monthly. Bylines all over. Avatar is Dewey.
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John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
Love this. Plus, kids love drag queens. It's true.
BKFort's avatar
From @babs_klein
@johnastoehr What's not to love?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@babs_klein: in another tweet, @johnastoehr pushes "open borders". Vox asked Bernie Sanders if he supported open borders & he replied: "No, that's a Koch brothers proposal". What about you? Are you a big Koch fan like John & @monthly? Or, are you a real liberal?
Neil Irwin's avatar
From @Neil_Irwin
Here, @ThePlumLineGS argues that Democrats have a pathway to run on trade in 2020. I'd add that they could plausibl…
ah 🇨🇦🇹🇼🚀✈️'s avatar
From @accidentalflyer
@Neil_Irwin @ThePlumLineGS Or just run right up the middle, on Competency.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@Neil_Irwin @ThePlumLineGS You betcha.
Greg Sargent's avatar
From @ThePlumLineGS
@johnastoehr @Neil_Irwin good call
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@ThePlumLineGS @Neil_Irwin Lots of room, I think, for an enterprising Dem candidate for the senate to run on free m…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
IOW, go full-on NeoLiberal (free trade, loose borders, globalism). Big Biz - esp Koch - would spend millions on them! MT @johnastoehr [a @monthly blogger] Lots of room, I think, for an enterprising Dem candidate for the senate to run on free markets &--wait for it--open borders!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@accidentalflyer: or just run like a smart, sane, patriotic, genuine Trump. Show those like @Neil_Irwin who push anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism, i.e., the Koch agenda) wrong. Destroy their careers before they do any more damage to the USA.
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
Who is the writer who you most disagree with who you've learned the most from? For me: Hugh Kenner and F.A. Hayek.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet Paul Fussell.
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
@johnastoehr Interesting choice. He's up there. Love Great War & Modern Memory but he was cranky as hell.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet Hoo boy.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet His way of laundering pederasty was interesting too. Who was the writer he profiled. Norman Douglas. That…
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
@johnastoehr The autobiography of Fussell's ex-wife has some relevant stuff on that.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet Motherogawd, Jeet. What book haven't you read?
David Dark's Edge of Glory's avatar
From @DavidDark
@HeerJeet What's your disagreement with Hugh Kenner?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DavidDark: I have no idea who Hugh Kenner is, but who @HeerJeet disagrees with has no real bearing on anything. E.g., there are smart things he could have helped with that would have stopped or at least changed Trump. Instead, not one thing he's done has impacted Trump.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@johnastoehr: hey John, there are simple, immediately obvious (to me) thinks @HeerJeet could have done or could do now to undercut Trump. Like challenge Trump proxies on how a future Congress will just neglect/tear down Trump's "wall". That'd really undercut him.