jim wallis
Jim Wallis of Sojourners
Summary (posts follow):
Jim Wallis is a far-left religious leader associated with Sojourners and with Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. He's a past or present Marxist; see this. Currently serving on Obama's Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships advisory board.
Discrediting Wallis over immigration matters would be easy and would have a great impact on the abilities of religious leaders to support illegal activity. His parishioners should be urged to publicly confront him (on video) with tough questions about his positions.
Last modified Feb 8, 2009
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Jim Wallis has a low opinion of his supporters (Sojourners, immigration reform) - 02/19/14
If you're a follower of Jim Wallis of Sojourners, I have some bad news: he has a very low opinion of you. In a post at Time Magazine [1], he writes false and misleading statements that would make a used car salesman blush. And, apparently he thinks his supporters aren't going to pick up on how he's misleading them.
Evangelical Immigration Table supports bad personal and public policy (Sojourners, Focus on the Family, Richard Land) - 06/12/12
A group of evangelical leaders have formed the "Evangelical Immigration Table" (evangelicalimmigrationtable.com) to support, among other things, legalizing millions of illegal aliens. A list of those involved is here.
Their policies are an example of false compassion: some might think their ideas would make things better, but they'd wind up making things worse for most people. They want a "bipartisan solution" that:
Sojourners deletes comment showing how Jim Wallis can't be trusted (immigration) UPDATE: they banned me too - 04/23/10
If you trust Jim Wallis or the Sojourners organization, please keep reading. A couple of days ago I left the comment below on one of his blog entries [1]. Despite not violating any provisions of their "Code of Conduct" (printed at [2]), the comment was deleted. Apparently showing how at least Wallis' position on immigration is that of a charlatan is too much for them.
Brewer signs Arizona immigration law; far-left begins opposition (MALDEF, America's Voice, Phil Gordon) - 04/23/10
Earlier today, Arizona governor Jan Brewer signed into law the tough immigration bill from Russell Pearce (link).
Religious leaders begin amnesty push; how to push back - 02/10/10
Per this, various religious groups [1] will begin a push for comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) this and next month. They'll be holding 100 events including prayer vigils in a couple dozen states and urging their followers to send postcards to their representatives.
To a certain extent this isn't that big of a deal: they've been pushing for amnesty for years and they haven't gotten anywhere. At the events they'll be (literally) preaching to the choir, and elsewhere many or most of their parishioners will be opposed to their message.
However, it is a big deal because those leaders...
List of attendees at Napolitano meeting, Part 2 - 08/20/09
This is the a continuation of the list here. See that link for the details.
Obama Faith-Based Initiative includes secular "community organizations" (+ illegal immigration supporters Jim Wallis, David Saperstein) - 02/07/09
On Feb. 5, Barack Obama issued an Executive Order [1] making changes to George W Bush's 2001 Order which established the "White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives". That's now the "White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships", and per the press release [2]:
[It] will be a resource for nonprofits and community organizations, both secular and faith based, looking for ways to make a bigger impact in their communities, learn their obligations under the law, cut through red tape, and make the most of what the federal government has to offer.
Will those "...
Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform to oppose Lou Barletta (Jim Wallis backgrounder) - 04/17/08
On Monday, the illegal immigration supporting Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (headed up by Jim Wallis) held a press conference where they stated their opposition to Hazleton, Pennsylvania mayor Lou Barletta.
It was probably what you'd suspect, and their press release had more of the same:
..."They need to stop using rhetoric that demonizes immigrants and make an effort to respect all people, including immigrants..."
Barletta responded to the paper by pointing out that they'd forgot to specify that his opposition is to illegal immigration and that he supports the legal variety...
CNN Democratic Candidates Compassion Forum: no immigration questions - 04/14/08
Last night's CNN Democratic Candidates Compassion Forum at Messiah College in Pennsylvania (transcript link) contained no questions relating to immigration.
Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform - 05/07/07
Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a new group headed up by Jim Wallis, and they're wrong. In order to promote legalization for all as well as a "guest" worker program, they'll be conducting an ad campaign, letter writing effort, and most likely advocating from the pulpit.
Sojourners/Jim Wallis promoting massive amnesty to Congress - 04/07/07
Continuing the age old debate about whether someone is a crook or an idiot, Jim Wallis' Sojourners organization is sending out an email to their mailing list urging people to contact Congress in support of a massive illegal alien amnesty. A purported copy is here: tgdarkly.com/blog/?p=542
Wallis has a blog at beliefnet.com/blogs/godspolitics, and I urge everyone to leave comments there designed to help his parishioners understand all the ways he's wrong. Here are excerpts from the email; note that the language used is like a patchwork quilt of speeches from president Bush, Howard Dean and...
The Messianic President - 10/16/04
NYT magazine offers "Without a Doubt", a ten-screen discussion of Bush and how his faith motivates his decisions. It's from Ron Suskind, the author of "The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill". Suskind was the senior national-affairs reporter for The Wall Street Journal from 1993 to 2000.
Some will denounce this as a liberal NYT hit piece. Others - those wouldn't mind seeing, say, Pat Robertson as president - will find comfort in parts of the article. And others will find partial confirmation for what they already suspected.