Tim Belay/VOA News presents illegal immigration-supporting side of Postville story

Tim Belay of the federally-funded Voice of America - offers "Postville Marks Immigration Raid Anniversary with Reflection, Optimism" (link). A little over a year ago, the Agriprocessors kosher meat processing plant in Postville, Iowa was the site of a major immigration raid, and just recently the MSM marked the anniversary in their own special way.

Since the VOA is basically part of the U.S. government, you might expect them to support our laws. Instead, Belay's article is little more than a Basic English version of one of those MSM reports. Belay highlights how that town is "recovering" from "its difficulties" and how "the events of a year ago were a disaster for the town". He doesn't acknowledge that the town's recent resurgence was based on illegal labor, something that no doubt almost all of the town's residents knew about but decided to look the other way. He doesn't acknowledge the pernicious impact of such corruption. He doesn't, for instance, ask one of the town's leaders why we should care about their plight when they had to know that their town was built on illegal activity. And, among other things, he doesn't mention that the plant was charged with over 9000 child labor law violations.

Please write VOANews *at* VOANews.com with your thoughts.


There have been several recent claims that "immigrants" are helping to revitalize economically depressed areas in the Rust Belt, etc. Because illegal immigrants are paid less and because many of them receive public assistance (through their USC children), it is perhaps true that the illegal immigrant presence is slowing the rate of decline. It is hard, to see, however, that these areas will in the end be thriving 21st century economic metropoli what with an uneducated and unskilled workforce making heavy use of government resources.

"9000 child labor law violation", hell in the third world which the so called USA Has become this will be nothing after the third world drug dealers have control over your kids and your country. but write to VOANews. Hell who knows? Many cities are in the hands of our enemies over 12 murder, have happened in so cal cities by hispanic cops many against Black ( who had it coming ) just in 25 days, after the USA Disappears into the third world mass race hate population of mass monkeydom many of you will become game for our enemies and kid labor laws will mean nothing to the new third world rulers, the USA Is now doomed a primeval monkey house.

So some Jew-owned slop factory full of illegals working for practically nothing and for no benefits is raided and the VOA gets all teary. Yeah, let's bring back those good old days. At least it was kosher slop. You could not make this stuff up. _...helping to revitalize economically depressed areas..._ Yeah, Hispanics -- they're regular economic dynamos. You can see evidence of that all throughout Mexico and Central America. Oh, wait -- aren't those the shitholes those people left behind? Never mind.

Critics are oddly but frequently mistaken when it comes to this subject. Gee, maybe they should have also had 9000 different angles to the story. It was about the effect of the raid on the town's economy one year later. That's all. Nothing else. The VOA is your friend. Not your enemy.

Some people forget how this country started, and some people‘s job is to report and not be political analysts. More so, when news reporting is not done upon request, or volunteer work but is left to professionals. Historically speaking, first generation of emigrants has always been the ultimate sacrifice for the generations to come. Despite the imperfect situation the little town had come about everyone lived the best way they could. Everyone was treated with respect and all lived in harmony. After all, without knowing the language one is limited to what kinds of jobs they can do, more so when they don’t have proper job skills considering the high technology our country has developed. There will be centuries to come, and human migration for either political, economical, or whatever other reason will never stop regardless if that is legally or illegally done. No matter of what status and where people come from, they all have dignity and deserve to be treated with respect. A word obviously you can’t seem to grasp since labeling comes so natural.

this country was started not by monkeys, Vicky-Postville, but by people who needed to get away from the monkeys, and when you write about "the start", it was not in 1775 but 1609/1629/1635 and the people who came here understood what freedom was and was not, and it is not what monkeys of the third world can really understand. By the way if one million people of the 1700's came back to life most would start shooting.

..and yet, Mr. Fred Dawes people of Postville new comers or not, all they did is keept their head down and worked, without shooting anyone, unlike your past horror stories. This is midwest Iowa, people know how to behave. How politics play into this, we all know it's not always fair for everyone, that's not my place to talk about, as its not your's to talk about what they can and can not understand since you're not on their head, or lived their lives. Not that would make any difference anyway.

My people liked to shot it was the only way to keep some monkeys in line other monkeys got in line and did well inside a culture of good; by the way this culture of right against evil is doomed and the new people like you do hate the ideals of freedom and want the ideals of mexico and other place's to remove freedom of ideals and talk and will make laws that will attack any who get out of line. but don't be mad someday the hispanic people will be under the loving control by the little yellow brother from Red China. and i am sure that the red chinese will be real nice to the new people!( see la raza, "the race", for the new pwople )