time magazine
Time Magazine: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
"Border War in Arizona" - 10/04/04
Time Magazine has a somewhat biased blurb about Arizona's Prop. 200. They even use the phrase "anti-immigrant", just like the Arizona Republic. Nevertheless, it contains this interesting bit:
...The measure could affect the presidential race in a state where Bush and Kerry are running neck and neck. Some opponents hope it will galvanize Hispanic voters, which could boost Kerry's chances. Yet the Hispanic vote is hardly monolithic.
Bill O'Reilly asks some semi-tough questions - 09/28/04
Bill O'Reilly interviewed President Bush, and the first part of the interview was broadcast on Monday. I didn't see it, but a transcript is here. I couldn't find an official transcript, but since that agrees with the quote printed in Bush: Militarizing Border Won't Stop Illegal Deluge (link). I'm going to assume it's largely accurate.
"Welcoming arms put squeeze on U.S." - 09/21/04
From John O'Sullivan:
Last week Time magazine breached an important taboo in the establishment media. It published a powerful indictment of America's current immigration policy -- and in particular the U.S.
"Shut The Sanctuary" - 09/19/04
From Investor's Business Daily:
Is America's establishment finally waking up to the fact that the country has a serious, dangerous border problem?
"Time to Take Illegal Immigration Seriously" - 09/16/04
In City Journal, Heather MacDonald comments on [1] TIME Magazine's recent cover story:
...Time magazine just may have started a revolution in the mainstream press's attitude towards illegal immigration.
"The Fastest Way To [profit from illegal immigration]" - 07/24/04
FirstData is the parent company of Western Union, and they're now a major processor of credit card transactions in addition to their original business of money transfer.
As described here (rmpn . org/weblog/archives/permalink/002096.cfm), they've also decided to attempt to unseat U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (house . gov/tancredo/Immigration), who represents the district in Colorado where their headquarters are based.
As you read this, I'm still taking a shower - 06/14/04
You'll feel like taking a shower too after you read Time Magazine's take on blogging.
It does have one benefit however: you can't go wrong if you avoid each blog the article mentions.
Pilger Alert: Britain is America's Lethal Appendage - 04/05/03
I think a fun project would be to shoot a video with a sequence of wild-eyed "peace" protesters and street people reading this Pilger article.
Money quote #1: "The killing of some 80 villagers near Baghdad last Thursday, of children in markets, of the "chicks who get in the way'' would be in industrial quantities now were it not for the voices of the millions who filled London and other capitals, and the young people who walked out of their schools; they have saved countless lives."
Money quote #2: "... [the] Time magazine [poll asking] "Which country poses the greatest danger to world peace...