Tweets to Carmen Romero

Carmen Romero's avatar
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Carmen Romero
California, USA
Wife, mother and Nana. Love the outdoors. Retired and enjoy politics. #TheResistance No lists
Tweets to this user:
Carmen Romero's avatar
From @Carmenr1Carmen
RT @barney_cannon: @KFILE @music4ever77 If you are a white male and believe you are a victim of discrimination, then you actually have a mu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Two equally-qualified job candidates apply. The co. gives the job to the non-white candidate. Is that discrimination, yes or no? MT @Carmenr1Carmen MT @barney_cannon: If you are a white male and believe you are a victim of discrimination, then [your problem is you're an a-hole]