tennessee: Page 1
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Freedom in the 50 States: freedom has a big cost (Koch, Mercatus Center, GMU) - 03/28/13
The Koch family-funded Mercatus Center at George Mason University has released their "Freedom in the 50 States" report [1].
According to them, the freest state is North Dakota, followed by South Dakota, Tennessee, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma.
Meanwhile, the least free state is New York, followed by California, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Rhode Island.
On pollution, Tea Party are socialists (Lamar Alexander, EPA, coal, TP Nation, Judson Phillips) - 11/24/12
"Teaparty socialists"? Isn't that an oxymoron? Not exactly: if the Teaparty movement has their way, the U.S. will not only have more pollution, but the polluters will get to "socialize the costs and privatize the profits." In other words, the Teapartiers are supporting what they would call socialism.
For an example, turn to "Tea Party Seeks to Regroup" (link):
Do red states give more to charity than blue states? - 08/20/12
Reuters says, "[r]ed states give more money to charity than blue states, according to a new study" (link, [1]). Just one problem: that's not true. In fact, blue states gave over twice as much in dollar terms than red (depending on the blue/red definition).
DHS undercuts 287g immigration enforcement in Nashville (wants most screened to be serious offenders) - 10/24/10
From this story about the 287g program in the county containing Nashville, Tennessee:
Earlier this year, federal officials decided the Davidson County Sheriff's 287(g) program that screens the immigration status of incarcerated foreign nationals was targeting too many minor criminal offenders and not enough felons.
Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall's controversial program is supposed to place a priority on screening foreign nationals who are accused of committing serious felonies, according to last year's revised 287(g) agreement between Metro and the federal government.
But internal U.S....
Tennessee: Roy Herron and Glenn Reynolds think you're stupid - 03/17/10
Roy Herron is a Democrat running for Congress in Tennessee. Glenn Reynolds reprints an email he received from Herron (pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/95867):
Bill Frist helps Huffington Post smear half the Republicans in Tennessee - 10/16/09
The GOP has a problem with the "Birthers", but only in that they're too incompetent or corrupt to figure out how to turn the issue to their advantage or at least minimize its impact. Instead, establishment Republicans and their minor league helpers keep doing the opposite: helping Obama, the Democrats, and the mainstream media at the same time as they hurt their base.
The latest example of that was offered by former senator Bill Frist. Per Sam Stein of the Huffington Post (huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/16/frist-addresses-tennessee_n_323639.html):
Speaking at a conference in Washington D.C., the...
WSJ discovers: Americans compete with immigrants for jobs (Miriam Jordan) - 05/24/09
Miriam Jordan of the Wall Street Journal offers "Job Fight: Immigrants vs. Locals/Tennessee Residents Compete for Work They Once Scorned; An All-Night Wait for Slaughterhouse Shifts" (link).
Most literate cities of 2008: NYC at #24, L.A. at #56 - 12/26/08
The "America's Most Literate Cities 2008" list has been released by Central Connecticut State University: link. Things like this generally fall into the FWIW/"for entertainment purposes only" category due to the varying definitions of "literate" and so forth. And, some sections of a given city are more "literate" than others, and some cities may be more cohesively "literate" vs certain others which only have a few islands of "literate-ness" scattered about.
Hundreds arrested at Pilgrim's Pride plants (immigration raids, identity theft) - 04/16/08
Hundreds of illegal aliens and presumably others were arrested today at Pilgrim's Pride chicken processing plants in Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, and West Virginia (link). The company participated in the E-Verify program and cooperated with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The arrests were for identity theft and document fraud in addition to being illegal aliens and/or criminal aliens.
Lawsuit claims Tyson Foods conspired with LULAC to hire illegal aliens - 11/06/07
From this:
The plaintiffs in a lawsuit accusing Tyson Foods Inc. of hiring illegal aliens to work at poultry plants are focusing on the meat producer's relationship with the League of Latin American Citizens. [Note: the two are also linked with Mike Huckabee]