scott brown

scott brown: Page 1

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GOP loses the Senate, thanks in part to Tea Party - 11/06/12

If not for the Tea Parties, the GOP had an outside possibility of winning the Senate. Instead - due in part to the Teapartiers - the Democratic Party remains in charge of the U.S. Senate.

Is Elizabeth Warren fake? (opposes Secure Communities immigration enforcement) - 09/20/11

Elizabeth Warren is a minor leftwing idol who's vying for Scott Brown's Massachusetts senate seat. She's presented by her supporters (in and out of the media) as the great protector of the middle class. If so, why is she taking a corrupt position that would harm the middle class while helping the rich?

McCain trounces JD Hayworth in GOP primary; who's to blame (tea parties, Palin, Scott Brown...) - 08/25/10

In last night's GOP Senate primary in Arizona, John McCain trounced JD Hayworth with 59% versus 29% for Hayworth (and 11% for Jim Deakin). To a certain extent, McCain's win was due to him spending around $20 million on advertising and him pretending to be tough on immigration matters. Defeating McCain would have sent a strong message to the Beltway establishment, the mainstream media, and other amnesty supporters. Instead, those who should have opposed him either didn't oppose him, didn't take a position, or engaged in useless or counter-productive activities. Who shares the blame? 1....

Will Scott Brown cave on amnesty? Obama hopes so. - 04/20/10

The tea parties might have struck again, helping elect a senator who - even if he offers initial opposition - will cave to a compromise on comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty). The senator, of course, is Scott Brown (link): Brown, in an interview with the Journal’s Neil King Jr., said [Obama called him to give him] a heads-up that immigration was coming down the pike and he should give it some serious thought. The senator promised to look closely at the bipartisan bill that Sens. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) and Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) are trying to produce. “He called me originally...

Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Grover Norquist, Scott Brown support John McCain; what J.D. Hayworth supporters can do - 02/15/10

Sarah Palin, Dick Armey of Freedomworks (see the update), Grover Norquist, and newly-elected senator Scott Brown are all supporting John McCain in his Senate re-election bid. Meanwhile, Chris Simcox dropped out of the GOP nomination earlier today, and has endorsed McCain's strongest rival, JD Hayworth. The last is running as the True Conservative against the RINO McCain. 1. This is yet another example of how the tea parties types are useful idiots; all four of those first listed above are associated with that movement: Armey helped organize the major Washington DC protest, Norquist has helped...

Martha Coakley immigration position: ignored status as DA; supports massive immigration - 01/16/10

The audio at has a radio interview with Martha Coakley about immigration. She doesn't appear to be a raving loose/open borders loon, but her position is bad, she admits that she wasn't fully doing her job, and part of her position is quite "business-friendly". See [1] for a discussion of the not-fully-correct video and the headline at the page, but the more important thing is her position:

How weak is Scott Brown on immigration? (Massachusetts senate race; Ted Kennedy seat) - 01/02/10

Former Cosmopolitan centerfold Scott Brown is trying to become the new Senator from Massachusetts to replace Ted Kennedy. He doesn't appear to be in the Tom Tancredo mold when it comes to immigration, but there isn't enough information to tell whether he's just a little weak or whether he's very weak and would support some form of comprehensive immigration reform. He's the GOP establishment favorite, even if the national GOP - in a rare show of sanity - isn't throwing their full weight behind him due to his slim chances of victory. While he's gotten some tea parties support, they have their...