rupert murdoch
rupert murdoch: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
TheDream.US: Don Graham, Gates, Bloomberg, Norquist turn their backs on American students (scholarships for illegal aliens) - 02/04/14
Former Washington Post CEO Don Graham has launched TheDream . US [1] to give 1000 scholarships worth $25,000 each to illegal aliens admitted to the DACA program.
Claim: Mitt Romney said he won't flip flop on immigration at millionaires' meeting (Murdoch, Blankfein, Home Depot, Univision, Giuliani) - 07/02/12
This is all just hearsay, but it would be interesting if it turns out to be true [1]:
Mitt Romney last week told a private group of potential supporters and business and media elites, including Rupert Murdoch, that he was treading carefully around the issue of immigration to avoid looking like a "flip-flopper."
Leftwingers welcome Rupert Murdoch to Twitter - 01/02/12
Rupert Murdoch has recently joined Twitter and is tweeting away on an account that Twitter has verified as not being fake. Since he first started tweeting, leftwingers have extended him a warm welcome in the only way they know how: with vile, profanity-laced comments and suggestions that others hack Murdoch's account.
See the screengrab below showing such vile tweets from just over an hour's time.
Immigrants and the Fortune 500: how Partnership for a New American Economy misleads (Bloomberg, Murdoch, Villaraigosa, Ballmer) - 09/04/11
In June, the "Partnership for a New American Economy" ("PNAE") - a coalition of Big Business billionaires and Big City mayors - released a misleading report designed to promote massive immigration. The report claims that a large number of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children, which is generally correct just as long as you look at it the right way and avoid discussing just how different things are now versus then.
Rupert Murdoch testifies for amnesty, massive immigration (using two CAP studies) - 09/30/10
Rupert Murdoch of Fox News testified before Congress today in support of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) and in support of massive immigration in general. And, two studies he used to buttress his argument are from the leftwing, Obama-linked Center for American Progress.
From this:
News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch said he supports amnesty for “law abiding” illegal immigrants because as legal residents they can help the nation’s economy by adding to “our tax base.” He also said he supports securing the border to prevent more illegal immigrants from entering the United States....
Partnership for a New American Economy: Murdoch, Bloomberg, CEOs, mayors, (Fox News?) to push amnesty - 06/24/10
Don't trust what you see on Fox News. Rupert Murdoch, Michael Bloomberg, big-city mayors, Hewlett Packard, Boeing, and Disney have formed a new group called "Partnership for a New American Economy" to push comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty (link):
The group says it intends to make its point to policymakers by "publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums and sponsoring public education campaigns."
...The group's main immigration goals are to secure the borders, develop an easy system for employers to verify work eligibility, hold companies accountable for breaking the...
World Economic Forum (Davos) pushing global governance, global TV, Law of Sea Treaty - 01/27/09
The World Economic Forum will be meeting in Davos starting on the 28th, and see this for all the details on one of their key documents as well as the media sources that haven't disclosed the fact that they're sponsors as well as much, much more. Here's a snippet:
"The Global Agenda 2009" report says that "sovereign states do not adequately address problems reaching across borders" and that "international taxation" may be needed to generate the "additional resources" for "global governance... ...As current global governance problems come from market failures, sovereign failures and...
"Couldn't we pass legislation to make Fox News balanced?" - 08/03/04
That must have been the (so-called) thought process behind a recent letter sent to Fox News by, among other luminaries, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. and Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif. This is a UPI report on the letter, but I could only find it at this site (