Leftwingers welcome Rupert Murdoch to Twitter
Rupert Murdoch has recently joined Twitter and is tweeting away on an account that Twitter has verified as not being fake. Since he first started tweeting, leftwingers have extended him a warm welcome in the only way they know how: with vile, profanity-laced comments and suggestions that others hack Murdoch's account.
See the screengrab below showing such vile tweets from just over an hour's time.
If those leftwingers were smart they could separate Rupert Murdoch from many of his viewers by pointing out what's at the last link. A concerted effort could separate Murdoch from some of the Tea Parties/GOP base, but doing that is simply beyond them.
Note: the rwaltondavies tweet is in response to this Murdoch tweet: "Great time in sea with young daughters, uboating."
1/3/12 UPDATE: The previous first sentence of this post was "Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendy Deng have recently joined Twitter and are tweeting away on accounts that Twitter has verified as not being fake." However, it turns out that the Wendi_Deng account is fake: Twitter's verification process is as top-notch as their technology. Rupert Murdoch's spokeswoman has independently verified his account.