remittances: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
How Donald Trump's remittances plan would fail too - 05/04/16
Every Donald Trump plan to reduce massive and illegal immigration would fail miserably. See that link for the details on how his Muslims ban won't work and his mass deportation plan won't work. (The Trump Wall will also fail for the same reasons).
NPR ignores downsides of international migration and remittances (Ashley Westerman, International Center for Journalists, U.N.) - 10/02/13
Ashley Westerman of NPR offers "World Immigration Called 'Win-Win' For Rich Nations, And Poor" [1]. The story was sponsored by the International Center for Journalists [2]. The ICJ isn't getting their money's worth as far as journalism is concerned, but they are getting it from the propaganda standpoint (bolding added):
George W. Bush Institute on "Growth and Immigration" (Matthew Denhart) - 12/05/12
Yesterday, George W Bush returned to the public eye to promote massive immigration, saying ( ):
Obama at NCLR: "yes, but..." on immigration enforcement; promotes jobs for possible illegal alien construction workers; DREAM Act; comprehensive reform... - 07/25/11
Barack Obama appeared at the National Council of La Raza convention earlier today; see the last link for our extensive coverage of that group. His unremarkable remarks are at [1]: he didn't really say anything that he hasn't said before. As he's done before, he misled, such as by using the system is broken canard.
World Bank: immigration would increase global income $356 billion by 2025; see what they won't highlight - 07/18/11
A 2005 report by the World Bank made the claim that increasing migration from low-income countries to high-income countries enough to increase the labor force in high-income countries by 3% would result in raising global incomes $356 billion by 2025. Press release at [1], report link at [2].
Since promoters of the study won't highlight another figure from the study, take a look at the chart (from [2]) below. Notice anything a bit disconcerting?
Charles Kenny: worst, most anti-American immigration editorial ever? (development economist, Businessweek, World Bank, apartheid) - 07/13/11
I've read hundreds of immigration editorials and articles full of bad, anti-American ideas and even a couple of articles advocating for hiring illegal aliens, but an editorial by Charles Kenny (see the link) reaches a new low ("How to Be a Patriot: Hire an Illegal Immigrant/Laws against illegal immigration make little economic or moral sense.
U.S. Post Office helping illegal aliens send money home (government corruption) - 06/11/10
From this:
Looking to capitalize on the growing remittance industry, largely fueled by illegal aliens sending money earned through illegal employment in this country, back home, the U.S. Post Office now offers a wire transfer service, but only to countries in Latin America.
The service, called Dinero Seguro (Sure Money) is being advertised in local post offices with posters showing a Latino family, along with the caption "for your wire transfer of funds back home."
He called their customer service line and was told that one acceptable form of identification was a Matricula Consular card, a...
Why Andrea Quarantillo of USCIS should be fired (misleads about TPS, remittances; Haiti; 100,000 expected to apply) - 03/12/10
Andrea Quarantillo is the District Director for New York of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and if that agency had serving U.S. interests as its first priority she'd be out of a job. From this:
[Quarantillo] expects that about 110,000 Haitians will have applied for TPS by the July deadline.
She says that after the earthquake, Haiti could not support any Haitians returning to the country. The reasoning behind the policy, she explains, was to take some of the pressure off Haiti.
"It also allows Haitian nationals in the US to work and live legally here and perhaps send...
Washington Post editorial promotes policies that would hurt U.S. and Haiti - 01/30/10
For some reason, the Washington Post is a strong supporter of "solving" Haiti's problems by supporting massive immigration from that country. They've done that through at least one article, at least one guest editorial, and now an editorial.
However, what they support would make the situation in both the U.S. and Haiti worse: it would add workers to the U.S. labor market while millions are unemployed, it would help make Haiti even more dependent on the U.S., it would further braindrain that country, and it would make reforms in that country even less likely. See the entries on the Haiti page...
WSJ wants "amnesty" for Haitian illegal aliens; misleads; shows how can't be trusted (TPS) - 01/19/10
The Wall Street Journal offers the brief editorial "Haitian Amnesty/A humane decision for temporary refuge in America" (link). They show how the establishment is lying when it refers to Temporary Protected Status; the establishment has little intention of "temporary" being accurate:
You might even call [the decision to extend TPS to Haitian illegal aliens] amnesty of a sort, if we can use that politically taboo word. But we hope even the most restrictionist voices on the right and in the labor movement will understand the humanitarian imperative. The suffering and chaos since the earthquake...
Clarence Page misleads, promotes bad policy (Haiti, TPS, immigration, remittances) - 01/16/10
Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune offers "Let Haitians in U.S.
The Economist in 2004: "More Mexicans, please" (promoted home loans to illegal aliens) - 12/14/09
I haven't looked into how much of the mortgage mess is due to financial institutions giving mortgages to low-wage workers, including illegal aliens from Mexico; for that, see Steve Sailer. Some but not all of it was, making the June 10, 2004 article from The Economist called "More Mexicans, please" (no author given; a cautionary tale about a) giving in to corruption, and b) trusting The Economist:
NATIVISTS in Texas and Arizona may still want to keep Mexicans out of America, but in the mid-west, far from the border, a growing...
NYT: illegal immigration is "New York's special gift to America" (unhinged anti-Gillibrand editorial) - 01/31/09
The part Mexican-owned New York Times offers the editorial "Listening to Ms. Gillibrand" (link). They're wrong as usual, and they're even more unhinged than usual too. Red-faced with anger at country mouse Kirsten Gillibrand's Upstate ways, they lose it right about here:
Western Union/Radio Shack discover new way to profit from illegal immigration: cell phone remittances (Cecilia Kang) - 04/01/08
Cecilia Kang of the Washington Post offers "Three Firms Combine on Cellphone Remittances", a barely-rewritten press release about a new scheme from Western Union. Immigrants/illegal aliens will be able to buy a phone from Trumpet Mobile at Radio Shack. The phone acts as a bit of a debit card (a "mobile wallet"), in that money can be added to it in the U.S.
NYT almost follows the money on Western Union (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Ken Salazar) - 11/24/07
Jason DeParle of the New York Times almost follows the money on Western Union, a company that makes almost a billion dollars per year off legal and illegal immigrants sending money home ("remittances"): lin
Felipe Calderon's "League Against Discrimination of Mexicans in the United States" - 11/16/07
Here's the next grand plan of the Mexican government that will a) backfire, and b) reveal some in the U.S. to be little more than de facto agents of that government (link):
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has forcefully inserted himself into the U.S.
NY Sun: illegal alien day laborers leaving due to economic downturn - 11/08/07
From our "FWIW" department comes this:
More than a dozen immigrant day laborers interviewed by the Sun say work has sputtered to a near halt in the past few months, and that making ends meet is becoming a more difficult task... Many of the immigrant day laborers came to the New York area to earn money and send it back to their native countries - transfers known as remittances. Now, many say they can no longer afford the transfers and some are reporting hunger and bouts of homelessness...
Diane Sawyer/Good Morning America in Mexico on Columbus Day - 10/05/07
On Monday, October 8 (Columbus Day), Diane Sawyer from Good Morning America ( will be "reporting" from Mexico on immigration. Why, the segment practically writes itself. While I don't watch the show and won't be tuning in, I expect it will basically be a "nation of immigrants" propaganda piece and she won't be featuring anything remotely approaching real reporting, such as Mexico's role in encouraging emigration in order to profit from the money that illegal aliens in the U.S.
Help Gregory Clark (UC Davis) reduce illegal immigration - 07/31/07
Gregory Clark - professor of economics at UC Davis - offers "Illegal immigration: our best foreign aid":
About 160 million people with incomes a fifth or less than the average U.S. income now reside less than 1,500 miles from our southern border. Given this huge income gap, more border agents and more miles of fence cannot prevent substantial illegal migration.
Rev. John Fife is dangerously wrong (sanctuary movement) - 04/23/07
From this Amy Goodman/Democracy Now! show:
[Reverend John Fife, the founder of the Sanctuary Movement of the 1980s] was the minister of Tucson's Southside Presbyterian Church for 35 years. The church was the first to offer sanctuary to undocumented immigrants from El Salvador in 1981. That launched a movement that eventually provided safe haven to thousands of Central Americans in over 500 churches and synagogues nationwide. The government infiltrated his group to gather evidence on the movement. In 1986, Fife was among eight activists convicted on various alien-smuggling charges. He served...
Remittance shops used to launder drug money - 02/07/07
Who knew?
Two hundred federal agents and police raided 25 money remitter stores yesterday in the metropolitan area, seeking more than two dozen people charged with turning the businesses into money-laundering operations for the leaders of drug cartels...
The remitter stores, sometimes called "people's banks" and usually located in poorer or minority neighborhoods, are legal businesses that remit - or send - money by wire, usually to family members overseas...
Remittances to Mexico: $23 billion in 2006 - 02/01/07
Remittances to Mexico - money sent from legal and illegal immigrants in the U.S. to friends and relatives in Mexico - rose to $23 billion last year. That figure is from Mexico's Central Bank; the Inter-American Development Bank's estimate is $2 billion higher.
This is up from $10 billion five years ago, so obviously some of the increase is due to better accounting.
Tom Brokaw, pro-illegal immigration hack - 12/26/06
Tonight, Tom Brokaw is hosting "In the Shadow of the American Dream" on NBC. As a preview, he offers "Indisputable points in the immigration debate" (also here).
Federal Reserve is completely corrupt (Directo a Mexico) - 12/06/06
The U.S. Federal Reserve is encouraging and profiting from illegal immigration by tapping into the remittances market (money sent from workers in the U.S. back to their home countries).
A significant portion of the money sent to Mexico was earned by illegal aliens who were involved with the illegal activity associated with illegal immigration: illegally entering the U.S., document fraud, ID theft, hiring an illegal alien, etc.
U.S. Federal Reserve to enable illegal immigration - 10/11/06
There's a lot of money to be made off illegal activity, and the U.S. Federal Reserve (FAQ) is trying to get a piece of the pie. The subscriber-only WSJ article "U.S. Banks Woo Migrants, Legal Or Otherwise" has this preview:
As U.S. leaders craft policies to curb illegal immigration from Mexico, the U.S.
Chris Taylor pimps illegal immigration at Business 2.0 - 09/14/06
Chris Taylor is a senior editor at Business 2.0 Magazine, and he offers a paean to corruption and transnational greed in "Cashing in on immigration".
A liberal immigration policy - 06/20/06
From author Po Bronson (link):
...Liberals like me have ignored the way the steady trickle of new Americans has become a massive repopulation program, primarily from Mexico. During the 1970s, 120,000 Mexicans came to the U.S. every year. During the 1980s, it was about 200,000 a year. During the 1990s, it was 350,000 a year. Today, it's estimated at 485,000โevery year. One out of every eight Mexican-born adults is now living in the U.S.
"What Would Mexico Do with Protesting Illegals?" - 04/17/06
Obviously, no other country (that wants to remain a country and not just a territory) would allow millions of foreign citizens to enter their country illegally and then march through their streets demanding rights to which they aren't entitled.
Unfortunately, because of corrupt "liberals" and "conservatives", we are perhaps the only country in the history of the world that has allowed something like that to happen and then has done nothing to prevent it from happening again.
For the likely response of Mexico to illegal aliens from America marching in their streets, se
Knight Ridder gets serious about effects of illegal immigration - 03/24/06
This is a bit of a shocker. From "Migration of working-age people has devastated many Mexican villages" by Jay Root:
Decades ago, before massive waves of young men fled north, Pedro Avila Salamanca helped his father harvest corn and fatten pigs. He learned to write his name in a one-room schoolhouse. Sometimes he rode to town on a donkey.
It's all a distant memory now. Everywhere abandoned houses are crumbling. The towns are shrinking.
Illegal aliens, supporters to march on Washington - 02/20/06
Yet another march for and by illegal aliens is planned for March:
[Armando Navarro of the National Alliance for Human Rights] told The Washington Times that 2006 will be a year of "massive mobilizations, activism and political participation to countervail the heinous, racist and nativist crusade" of those who support the bill and the construction of "an Iron Curtain" along the U.S.-Mexico border.
In addition to efforts by the coalition, the foreign ministers of 11 Latin American countries
"Banks aim to help immigrants send money home" - 01/27/06
What a heart-warming title to this CSM report (link). Of course, they don't go into the downsides: billions of dollars is flowing out of the country and being used to prop up corrupt foreign governments and depriving those countries of the citizens and industries they need to improve. And, that encourages those corrupt governments to send us even more of their people. And, many of those "immigrants" are in fact illegal aliens.
"Mexico uses U.S. to avoid change" - 11/14/05
From the editorial by Patrick Osio, editor of
...And, while supposedly guarding the border, it was miraculous how, after the cancellation of the Bracero program, during agricultural high seasons border guards seemed to evaporate, allowing a steady flow of workers in the country. And this, too, spoiled Mexico because that flow of workers acted as the steam-valve on a pressure-cooker holding social unrest at a minimum.
Dick Morris offers thoughts on Bush and immigration - 11/11/05
Dick Morris to president Bush: "Get serious about immigration reform" (link). Unfortunately, the reform he has in mind is the kind with quotes around it.
In the hawk category, he supports the idea of a fence, an idea that does have its downside. Perhaps big fences in some areas and DMZ zones in others would be the better approach.
Jupiter Florida's seamy, corrupt, "liberal" underbelly - 08/23/05
FAIR is considering suing the city of Jupiter, FL over their plans to build an illegal alien hiring hall.
In "Jupiter ready to fight FAIR lawsuit over labor center", their Town Manager Andy Lukasik says to bring it: "If they want to test it at the court level, so be it... It will set the stage of how a municipality will respond to this dynamic.
Is the Ventura County Star a Mexican newspaper? - 07/07/05
After reading the report "Mexican nationals learn how to transfer funds electronically" I'm left wondering. It describes how local banks (presumably chartered in the U.S.) set up booths in front of the Mexican consulate in Ventura to teach "immigrants" how to send money back home.
Like other such reports, it reads like an advertisement, describing what a wonderful way to send money this is. But, I slightly expected to find, somewhere down in the 14th paragraph or so, something like "but some people worry about illegal immigration" or similar. Yet, nothing like that is to be found.
In fact,...
A massive tax break for remittance companies? - 05/03/05
Someone who's an expert on the law in question really needs to take a look at this post. It says that remittances companies, like First Data / Western Union and others, are getting massive tax breaks for helping "immigrants" (mostly illegal aliens) send money back home.
If that's true, I can see this story going MSM.
Their money or your safety - 09/19/04
[cross-posted at and the Command Post]
From August 28's edition of the CPUSA's house organ People's Weekly World (cache used because site down):
U.S. Rep.
"Mexican remittances head for new record" - 08/28/04
From the AP:
Remittances sent home to Mexico by workers abroad reached $7.87 billion in the first half of 2004, 25.9 percent higher than the same period of 2003, the country's central bank reported Wednesday.
Experts say remittances are rising, but that some of the increase is due to increasing use of more easily monitored electronic or bank transfers; in the past, many workers sent their money home in cash, which is harder to track.
Remittances rose to four-fifths the value of