nyt editorial
nyt editorial: Page 1
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Democrats, far-left praise Marco Rubio's immigration moves (NCLR; Sharry; IPC; Obama and Gutierrez spox) - 01/20/13
In a January 18, 2013 press release, Marco Rubio lists some of the supposed conservatives who support his immigration amnesty plan ( peekURL.com/zycdzeU ).
To be balanced, here are some positive mentions of his plan (or at least support for his actions on comprehensive immigration reform) from those Rubio should be opposing on immigration: the Democrats and the far-left.
An example of rightwing blogger incompetence (Tim Scott as a token) - 12/19/12
Needless to say, there are far too many examples of the incompetence of rightwing bloggers than I could ever cover. However, to pick one out of the hat, take a look at the reaction to "The Puzzle of Black Republicans" by University of Pennsylvania professor Adolph L. Reed Jr (link).
Andrew Rosenthal of NYT co-opts St. Patrick's Day to support massive and illegal immigration - 03/17/10
Andrew Rosenthal - editorial page editor of the New York Times - has no concept of shame, willing to bend any and all subjects to his favorite: supporting massive and illegal immigration. Just the latest instance comes in "San Patricio" (nytimes.com/2010/03/17/opinion/17wed4.html):
New York Times, admitting that illegal aliens are taking jobs from unemployed Americans, still supports amnesty - 01/06/10
The New York Times offers "Immigration’s New Year" (nytimes.com/2010/01/06/opinion/06wed1.html) which contains this:
Opponents of (comprehensive immigration reform) say the downturn is a terrible time to fix the system, but they are wrong... It is not a question of adding new people to the work force; they are here, many helping keep the economy afloat while tolerating low pay and abuse from lawbreaking employers who prefer them to American workers.
A corollary to the above - one that either the NYT can't figure out or thinks their readers can't figure out - is that those who are here now are...
New York Times opposes Secure Communities - 11/27/09
Channeling their inner ACLU, the New York Times offers "Immigrants, Criminalized" (nytimes.com/2009/11/27/opinion/27fri2.html) in which they come out against the Department of Homeland Security's Secure Communities program that che
NYT admits massive problems caused by massive immigration, a policy they support - 11/18/09
In an editorial, the New York Times is basically admitting how much trouble we're going to be in in coming years due to the massive immigration that the NYT supports. The NYT editorial "Their Future Is Ours" discusses the findings of a recent academic study (link):
There are 16 million children in immigrant families in the United States, one of the fastest-growing segments of the population. It’s an old American story made new in the age of globalization, when waves of human displacement in recent decades have led to immigration on a scale not seen since Ellis Island. But a country that has...
Andrew Rosenthal/NYT supports AgJobs (indentured servitude bill) - 05/16/09
The NYT editorial "Farms and Immigrants" (link) supports the recently re-introduced AgJobs farmworker amnesty/indentured servitude bill:
Because it’s hard to find Americans willing to endure the heat, cold and misery of stooping in the fields - or the low wages - growers overwhelmingly use undocumented workers. An estimated 75 percent or more of the agricultural work force is here illegally. This is bad for everybody. Undocumented workers are easy prey for exploitation and unable to assert their rights. Growers constantly complain about labor shortages and are vulnerable to disruptive...
New York Times' immigration editorial is so obviously absurd they must think their readers are four years old - 04/22/09
Andrew Rosenthal of the New York Times offers the editorial "Immigration and the Unions" (link). He makes the usual mistakes and smears, and then shows that he thinks his readers are all four years old:
"Workers don’t depress wages. Unscrupulous employers do," said Terence O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers' International Union of North America. Unemployment in his industry is above 21 percent. Nearly two million construction workers are out of work. So what does Mr. O’Sullivan want? Reform that allows immigrants to legalize. "If we can free them so they can come out of the shadows, we can...
Andrew Rosenthal /NYT: no immigration raids during Census - 03/31/09
Andrew Rosenthal, editorial page editor of the New York Times, offers "A Champion for the Census?" (link) about new Department of Commerce secretary Gary Locke. It contains this not very surprising suggestion:
For instance, in the run-up to other censuses, the federal government has eased up on immigration raids and other intimidating forms of immigration enforcement in an effort to cut down on the number of people who are afraid to be counted. The word must go out from the Obama administration that it expects the same cooperation as the 2010 count approaches.
Andrew Rosenthal /NYT melting down: lies about opponents; defends MALDEF; wrong about Saenz? - 03/23/09
Andrew Rosenthal - editorial page editor of the New York Times - continues his slow-motion melt-down in "Obama Flinches on Immigration" (link).
Andrew Rosenthal/New York Times wants stimulus money to go to illegal aliens - 02/15/09
The New York Times offers the editorial "Helping Workers in Hard Times" (link) in which they explicitly support stimulus plan jobs going to illegal aliens.
NYT: illegal immigration is "New York's special gift to America" (unhinged anti-Gillibrand editorial) - 01/31/09
The part Mexican-owned New York Times offers the editorial "Listening to Ms. Gillibrand" (link). They're wrong as usual, and they're even more unhinged than usual too. Red-faced with anger at country mouse Kirsten Gillibrand's Upstate ways, they lose it right about here:
Mitt Romney joins Marriott International (hotels) board; NYT misleads to support illegal activity - 01/08/09
Mitt Romney has joined the board of Marriott International of hotels fame. Their chairman Bill Marriott is a strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, and, due to media corruption, Romney's exact position on that was never cleared up however he was generally against some forms of amnesty. The New York Times editorial board takes note of this in "Mitt Romney in the Amnesty Hotel" (link):
Mr. Romney distinguished himself in the Republican primaries for the vapidity and hypocrisy of his stance on immigration. He proudly professed a rigid hostility to comprehensive immigration reform...
NYT: subsidize unemployed illegal alien day laborers to keep them in U.S. until economy improves - 12/30/08
The New York Times offers the editorial "Immigration Riddle" (link), a plea to keep illegal alien day laborers in a Long Island community during the economic downturn rather than taking actions to cause them to return to their home countries. The town of Huntington Station (together with Hagedorn Foundation and the Long Island Community Foundation), has been paying for a day laborer center operated by the Family Service League since around 2001. See " Tempers Rise Over Immigrants" by Elissa Gootman from that year, where they admit that "most are also illegal aliens" (link).
Now, per the NYT,...
NYT editorial hopeful about Obama immigration picks; Bush "terrorized", "hunted down" illegal aliens - 12/26/08
As their Christmas gift to the world, the New York Times offered the editorial "Getting Immigration Right" (link). As with all their other editorials on this topic, it's wrong, beginning with their sleazy inability to admit that they and George W Bush are on the same side:
This is why it is so important to reverse the Bush administration’s immigration tactics, which for years have attacked the problem upside down and backward. To appease Republican nativists, it lavished scarce resources solely on hunting down and punishing illegal immigrants. Its campaign of raids, detentions and border...
New York Times: if the "nativists" weren't really "anti-immigration", they'd support massive immigration - 10/03/08
The New York Times editorial board is back with yet another very special editorial (link):
One of the false pieties uttered by anti-immigration politicians is that they love immigrants. If that were true, Congress would not be having so much trouble passing a simple law to smooth out a serious kink in the legal immigration pipeline.
Seriously, does anyone - even those in their target market - buy this? One doesn't have to support all types and all levels of immigration in order to "love immigrants". That should have been obvious to even the writers of their screed.
What they're advocating for...
Barack Obama lies about Rush Limbaugh in Spanish-language ads - 09/17/08
The Barack Obama campaign has a new Spanish-language ad that features racial demagoguery and a distortion of Rush Limbaugh quotes. You can see the ad here:
"They want us to forget the insults we've put up with, the intolerance," the television ad's announcer says in Spanish as a picture of Rush Limbaugh appears onscreen with quotes of him saying, "Mexicans are stupid and unqualified" and "Shut your mouth or get out."
"They made us feel marginalized in a country we love so much," the ad continues. "John McCain and his Republican friends have two faces. One that says lies just to get our...
John McCain ad was right and Barack Obama, MSM misled about BHO's kindergartener sex education bill - 09/16/08
Earlier this month the John McCain campaign released an ad (link, video link) saying in part:
"Obama's one accomplishment?
Legislation to teach "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners.
Learning about sex before learning to read?
Barack Obama.
This has led to a wide variety of BHO supporters - specifically those in the MSM - calling McCain a liar. To a certain extent, they have somewhat of a point: the bill might not be an "accomplishment" for BHO since he was just a supporter and not a co-sponsor and since it never passed. And, the McCain campaign might not have correctly...
New York Times supports illegal activity, identity theft - 07/13/08
The New York Times editorial board continues to hit new lows, this time offering "The Shame of Postville, Iowa" (nytimes . com/2008/07/13/opinion/13sun2.html) about the May immigration raid at Agriprocessors meat packing plant in that town.
Senator Bob Menendez uses alleged ICE abuses to hamper immigration enforcement (SPLC, NYT) - 06/16/08
Senator Robert Menendez is a racial demagogue who supports massive Hispanic immigration (of any kind) in order to obtain political power. His latest trick to oppose immigration enforcement was a speech he gave on the Senate floor last week [1] in which he made several inflammatory statements about the government he supposedly works for and highlighted rare examples of abuses - some merely alleged - by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). He also promised legislation concerning this issue. You can view the speech here and here.
From the inflammatory side of things, he refers to agents...
New York Times editorial mind reads the "immigrant vote", gets it wrong - 01/19/08
Earlier today, the New York Times offered "The Immigrant Vote" [1], promising wrath and ruin upon those who dare stand in the way of corrupt businesses profiting from illegal activity:
Nevada is the first state on the election calendar with a sizable Hispanic vote, and among them will be a substantial number of immigrants. We don't know who they'll choose, but we do know they are anxious. They have endured the racially tinged rhetoric used to sink immigration reform; they have witnessed Republican candidates exploiting the xenophobic nastiness. Families have been torn apart as illegal...
Desperate New York Times immigration editorial plays race card; afraid attrition might work? - 10/22/07
Like clockwork, the New York Times offers yet another immigration editorial and, of course, they're still wrong ("AinaLike clockwork, the New York Times offers yet another immigration editorial and, of course, they're still wrong ("Ain’t That America", link). Per them, not enacting comprehensive immigration "reform" is yet another in the long line of "greatest historical shames" perpetrated by the U.S. The national mood is slipping into "hatred and fear" against those "documented or not, who speak Spanish and are working-class or poor":
The evidence can be seen in any state or town that has...
New York Times editorial: pass anti-American DREAM Act - 09/24/07
From the 9/20 New York Times editorial called "Pass the Dream Act" (link):
...The idea is modest and smart, but modest and smart usually don’t get very far these days. The anti-immigrant forces that buried the Senate’s comprehensive reforms under a wave of faxes and phone calls are at it again over the revival of this small part of that much bigger bill. They are convinced that giving a break to blameless young men and women - maybe about a million - who want to earn a college degree or serve in the military weakens the country instead of strengthening it. Their hostility to nurturing a new...