media matters for america
Media Matters for America: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
SCHIP and illegal aliens (shocker: a Center for American Progress fib?) - 10/11/07
The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP/S-CHIP) appears like it could be abused by illegal aliens to obtain benefits that they should not, under the bill, receive. Whether that's intentional or not isn't known. The bill was recently vetoed by president Bush. The House will try to override the veto next week (link).
The bill is HR 976 (link).
How to fight MediaMatters, far-left smears (Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage) - 10/02/07
The far-left is on the warpath, with General Wesley Clark calling for Rush Limbaugh to be removed from Armed Forces Radio as part of a followup to a MediaMatters-originated smear.
ThinkProgress misrepresents Chertoff comment about environmental damage on border - 10/01/07
The Clinton-linked site ThinkProgress offers the post "Chertoff: Immigrants 'degrade the environment'" [1] about the following comment from DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff (link):
"Illegal migrants really degrade the environment. I've seen pictures of human waste, garbage, discarded bottles and other human artifact in pristine areas...
Kathleen Henehan/Media Matters promotes economic benefits of illegal immigration - 09/26/07
"K.H." of Media Matters for America - presumably Kathleen Henehan - discusses a recent Los Angeles Times guest editorial from Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies in a post entitled 'In LA Times op-ed, Krikorian cherry-picked "anecdotal evidence" on immigration crackdown' (
Media Matters for America plays word games re: their funding - 04/25/07
Recently Bill O'Reilly "disclosed" the funding of the group Media Matters for America (link to video). The segment includes a chart showing money flowing from George Soros to the Open Society Institute, Democracy Alliance, MoveOn, and the Center for American Progress.
Washington Monthly desperate enough to edit comments without noting they were edited - 03/18/07
[Update here]
Washington Monthly ("WM"; Kevin Drum/Political Animal, washingtonmonthly. com) used to have an open commenting policy, and I've been posting the occasional and almost always critical comment at that site since Drum moved there and at his previous location ( since 2002 or 2003.
WM recently changed to some form of post-moderation of comments. Unlike almost everyone else who uses moderation, that includes the sleazy and underhanded tactic of editing comments without noting that they've been edited. In particular, adding extra characters to some URLs left in...
How not to criticize Wikipedia - 02/05/07
Dave Pierre offers "'Lib-pedia'? Anti-Conservative Bias Rampant At Wikipedia" (newsbusters . org/node/10615). He's definitely right about that, but I don't think he fully groks that the only way to correct that bias is for conservatives to be more tenacious than those on the other side who currently spend a lot of time making sure WP's articles match their ideology.
Lacking that, the only thing to do is to point out to anyone who relies on WP or who advocates relying on WP that it's completely unreliable.
Media Matters for America shows left's regard for free speech - 01/12/07
The Soros-funded leftwing nuts at Media Matters for America are latching on to the case of "Spocko" a blogger who posted audio recordings of KSFO (San Francisco, "Frisco") hosts Melanie Morgan and Brian Sussman to his website.
CNN BlogParty, Blog Party, BlogStock - 11/07/06
The latest example of the mainstream reaching out to bloggers is CNN's "BlogStock", aka a "blog party" (1). They've invited a couple dozen mainstream bloggers to blog live from an internet cafe in Washington DC. Apparently this is supposed to be cutting edge, but most of those involved are partisan hacks. And, some of them qualify more as party operatives, with three of the "bloggers" working for magazines and one of those being the publisher editor-in-chief of the mag.
Eric Alterman: bye-bye MSNBC, hello Soros-funded Media Matters - 09/11/06
Eric Alterman has been fired by MSNBC. But, don't cheer just yet: he's been hired by Media Matters for America, a group that admits to having received money from George Soros. He will be joining "Hatrios", aka Duncan B. Black, as a Senior Fellow at the organization.
Perky Little Katie Kommunist too conservative for MediaMatters - 11/01/05
MediaMatters for America has set its "always"-accurate eye on perky Katie:
On the October 31 edition of NBC's Today, co-host Katie Couric baselessly suggested that newly named Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Media Matters for America defending al Jazeera - 10/12/05
Believe it or don't! MMFA is taking issue with a Fox graphic. In case it disappears, here's the full post:
Only on Fox: USMC captain in Control Room film labeled "TRAITOR?" for taking job at Aljazeera
During the October 11 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, the network suggested that former Marine Corps captain Josh Rushing may be a "traitor" for taking a job with Qatar-based news network Aljazeera.
Arianna Huffington and Baby Blumenthal - 10/01/05
Did you think the low-point of Huffington Post came when Randall Robinson uttered these memorable words?
It is reported that black hurricane victims in New Orleans have begun eating corpses to survive.
Well, you're only part right. While it's extremely difficult to find an actual low point of the sexy Greek goddess' site, a contender must be Max Blumenthal - the son of Sid Blumenthal - called by Marc Cooper a "featherweight tyro and designated puncher for enraged but impotent Democrats" here.
There's even a direct connection between Max and Randy. Shortly after the cannibalism charge, Sid Jr...
Arizona Daily Star drops Ann Coulter; "liberal" bloodlust not sated - 08/30/05
Ann Coulter's column has been dropped by the Arizona Daily Star. About the only good thing that can be said about that paper is that they aren't quite as "liberal" as the AZ Republic.
Apparently she was too "shrill" for some of their readers, whose sensibilities were offended. Some of those readers included conservatives.
Soros-funded Media Matters deletes yet another comment - 08/03/05
Their message control is getting pretty funny. Perhaps I should start a new category just for my comments that they've deleted.
The latest is the comment I left in "In NY Times book review, Posner rehashed tired "liberal media" claims". Yes, of course I saved my comment:
If you go to BoreAmerica you'll see that it's been over 7 days since the Air America scandal broke. Yet, none of the "non"-liberal media outlets like the NYT, WaPo, LAT, or their smaller brethren have covered this issue.
Seven whole days without a peep from the "non"-liberal media.
For another example, check out this...
Soros-funded Media Matters still deleting comments - 07/15/05
To the best of my knowledge, even the Huffington Post has published and not deleted the several comments I've left there, even on their moderated threads.
However, MediaMatters for America - the outfit that receives funding from George Soros - has deleted my comments in the past, and it looks like they've done it again.
The latest was on the thread 'Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles"' (link). At that thread I left a comment with links to "NAACP Chairman Compares Republicans to Terrorists", this, and a...
Soros-funded Media Matters now deleting comments? - 05/25/05
Media Matters - which admits it receives money from George Soros - appears to have deleted several comments from this thread about Bill O'Reilly discussing Harvard's plan to spend $50 million to promote "faculty diversity." O'Reilly said: "Any woman who signs on to work at Harvard gets 100 pair of shoes ... because all women want shoes."
91% think illegal immigration is a very or somewhat serious problem. - 05/04/05
According to a new Fox News / Opinion Dynamics poll about immigration, 91% of respondents think illegal immigration is a very or somewhat serious problem. The report is here. The PDF file with the questions and the results is here.
Here's the actual question that was asked:
How serious a problem do you believe the illegal or undocumented immigration situation is in the United States today?
Media Matters doesn't understand epidemiology, statistics, immigration - 04/23/05
Media Matters for America is taking Bill O'Reilly to task for agreeing with a caller that the health and financial impacts of massive illegal immigration might equal or surpass the effects of 9/11.
On the site, Media Matters - which admits it receives money from George Soros - prints a supposed transcript from the Bill O'Reilly show.
Notably, O'Reilly says "I think you could probably make an
Be patient, my super wealthy friends, our time will come! - 04/20/05
From "Soros says be patient":
George Soros told a carefully vetted gathering of 70 likeminded millionaires and billionaires last weekend that they must be patient if they want to realize long-term political and ideological yields from an expected massive investment in "startup" progressive think tanks.
The Scottsdale, Ariz., meeting, called to start the process of building an ideas production line for liberal politicians, began what organizers hope will b
The George Soros/Media Matters/David Brock network discovered - 03/04/05
If you want the backstory, read this: "Horowitz Exposes David Brock as Paid Hatchet Man for Soros".
If you're familiar with the backstory and you want to cut to the chase, read "David Brock Group Backpedals on Soros Funding":
Media Matters for America, the group headed by conservative turned liberal writer David Brock, has changed course on its stated association with billionaire l
Is Hiawatha Bray really a real reporter? - 03/02/05
The latest smearswarm attempt from MediaMatters concerns someone you've probably never heard of, the Boston Globe's technology reporter Hiawatha Bray. Seems he posted a few non-inflammatory pro-Bush posts to some blogs before the presidential election. A violation of journalistic ethics?
Perhaps. However, one wonders exactly how Bray's political beliefs could affect his coverage of computer viruses or iPods.
"Left-Wing Activist Poses as Reporter At White House Press Briefings" - 02/15/05
Where, indeed, is the outrage?
WASHINGTON -- Accuracy in Media charged today that a liberal activist and associate of Ralph Nader has been obtaining access to White House press briefings while claiming to be a legitimate news reporter.
Russell Mokhiber, who sells a $795 a year newsletter that bashes corporations, attends the briefings to make obscure anti-Bush political points. Recently, for example, he asked spokesman Scott McClellan whether President Bush violated one of the Ten Commandments by invading Iraq.
I have one more thing to monitor - 05/03/04
I'm already (supposedly) monitoring AirAmerican Radio for my new blog
Now, conservative-turned-Loony-Leftie David Brock has started a web site to monitor the right.