margaret spellings
margaret spellings: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Bush's original "guest" worker scheme revealed - 03/28/07
In this video segment from 2004, Margaret Spellings [1] described how Bush's original "guest" worker scheme would be open to *everyone*, specifically mentioning nurses, teachers, and high-tech workers. In brief, president Bush wanted to open (most of) the U.S. labor market to the world, including (previously) middle-class occupations.
Oddly enough, the Democrats completely failed to highlight Bush's disastrous, anti- and un-American plans during the 2004 elections. If they had, John Kerry would be president today.
Actor beats U.S. Education Secretary on Celebrity Jeopardy - 11/21/06
The Bush administration can't even play the television game Jeopardy right, as actor Michael McKean (Spinal Tap) handily trounced U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings on tonight's episode.
McKean ended with $38,400, with Spellings a distant second place with $11,100. The latter amount was augmented with a "gimme" that would have not been given to a non-celebrity player. (The question was how many strings a harp has, 7, 47, or 147.
Bush immigration plan could affect techies - 02/28/04
Here's an older story from ZDnet:
Details of President Bush's plan to tackle illegal immigration remain fuzzy, but the program could create a new way for technology employers to bring in foreign workers.
Bush "guest worker" program to be "open to any type of employee" - 01/27/04
Mark Krikorian writes about a Cato Institute panel on the Bush/Fox Amnesty (nationalreview . com/comment/krikorian200401260938.asp). Of particular note are the remarks made by Margaret Spellings, "assistant to the president for domestic policy, and point person for the president's immigration proposal":
"Enforcement Blues" - 01/26/04
From Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies comes this article:
A recent Cato Institute forum revealed the true attitude of many in the White House about immigration-law enforcement.
The forum (watch the Real Video file here) featured, among others, Margaret Spellings, assistant to the president for domestic policy, and point person for the president's immigration proposal.