Tweets to Qasharah 🔥📢

Qasharah 🔥📢's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Qasharah 🔥📢
Still don't know what I'm doing... but with a bigger audience. 2020 me is gonna be like 2019 me... but with glitter. I'm secretly an introvert. #Bernie2020
Tweets to this user:
Will Sommer's avatar
From @willsommer
YouTube banned Sebastian Gorka because he won't stop playing Imagine Dragons on his channel.
Qasharah 🔥📢's avatar
From @Qasharah
@willsommer @davidmweissman
Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans)'s avatar
From @IwriteOK
@willsommer Will I can't stop laughing at this headline
M. Boucher's avatar
From @Tri_Boucher
@IwriteOK @willsommer I seriously don't know anyone (that I respect) that likes Imagine Dragons
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I think people should play the video games they want, I'd just show GTA harmful to discredit its pushers. Sommer's a lil' Honecker who'd ban disfavored games. MT @Tri_Boucher [P. Kael over I.D.] MT @willsommer [cheers Youtube for banning Seb Gorka over playing 'Imagine Dragons']
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Qasharah: Youtube banning Seb Gorka for playing 'Imagine Dragons' sounds funny. Then you look at the history of @willsommer & realize he's a lil' Honecker eager to ban anyone who dissents from the establishment line. He's the polar opposite of a liberal.