jonathan martin

jonathan martin: Page 1

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Herman Cain scandal revealed: corruption and incompetence (Politico, Tea Parties) - 11/01/11

In this post I'll reveal the dirty little secrets of the Herman Cain scandal. As you might have heard, that presidential candidate is accused of some form of sexual harassment of colleagues at one of his past jobs, and the latest news is that one of the alleged victims wants to step forward and tell her side of the story (link).

Amnesty author Mike Pence for president? Dick Armey, Club for Growth, others hype him (UPDATE: he's out) - 01/21/11

Back in 2006, Indiana Congressman Mike Pence proposed his own "compromise" amnesty plan. He may have gotten the idea for that plan from a proposal by billionaire heiress Helen Krieble, and also in 2006, Krieble, Pence, and Dick Armey of Freedomworks appeared at an event to promote comprehensive immigration reform. The latest bad idea from their general camp is to try to draft Pence to run for president. Those backing the idea include Armey, Chris Chocola of the Club for Growth (known around here as the "Club for Profits at Any Price"), former Rep. Jim Ryun, and Brent Bozell. Per Armey: โ€œWhat...

Jonathan Martin/Politico: please try real reporting for a change ("Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry") - 09/16/08

Jonathan Martin of the Politico is a sickening hack who's a complete failure as a reporter. His latest "scoop" is falsely titled "Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry" (link).