Tweets to Eric Byler

Eric Byler's avatar
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Eric Byler
Writer/director of Charlotte Sometimes, 9500 Liberty, Americanese, TRE, Headless Klansman of Selma. DGA. WGA.
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Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
Eric Byler's avatar
From @ericbyler
@russfelix @et3stooge @thehill This video series will help you separate fact from fiction re. voter suppression
Felix Goodfellow's avatar
From @WhiteMaleSoWhat
@ericbyler @et3stooge If there is no voter fraud in America it is the only country in the world where that is the case. Don't you agree?
Eric Byler's avatar
From @ericbyler
@russfelix @et3stooge Politicians want you to suspect your fellow voters of fraud, but w/ no proof. They are the ones who cheat; not us.
Eric Byler's avatar
From @ericbyler
@russfelix @et3stooge Watch the author of the voter fraud myth use a 30-yr old case to justify crackdown on voters:
Eric Byler's avatar
From @ericbyler
@russfelix @et3stooge Same political operative spent millions of taxpayer $ hunting for voter fraud while part of Bush DoJ. Found nothing.
Eric Byler's avatar
From @ericbyler
@russfelix @et3stooge 9 cases of people wrongly thinking they could vote for a sick relative — out of 27 million votes cast. You do the math
Eric Byler's avatar
From @ericbyler
@russfelix @et3stooge Why start this now after 200 years? Voter fraud myth spurred not by fear of fraud; fear of democracy in changing USA.
Eric Byler's avatar
From @ericbyler
@russfelix @et3stooge Country changed b/c in the 1960's we ended immigration quotas that protected the white majority by favoring W. Europe
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@russfelix @et3stooge: what @ericbyler didn't disclose to his viewers: P.S. GMU is close to the #Koch bros. #ows
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
@ericbyler is lucky: #teaparty are too dim/nuts to oppose him & friends correctly: #tcot #GOP #OWS #tlot